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“X-Factor” Stops Cancer In Its Tracks about false


“X-Factor” Stops Cancer In Its Tracks

It was discovered 69 years ago by the famous nutritional pioneer, Dr. Weston A. Price – yet the vitamin he dubbed the “X-factor” continues to be misunderstood even today. Now, a growing body of

How To Stop Sun Damage about false


How To Stop Sun Damage

We’re approaching the time of year when many of us will spend a lot more time in the sun, so soon our radios and TVs will resound with warnings about skin cancer.The warnings are somewhat overblown.

“Stinky Horse Herb” Kills Cancer Cells about false


“Stinky Horse Herb” Kills Cancer Cells

This ancient herb is known in Sanskrit as “the smell of a horse.” That doesn’t sound very attractive (to me, anyway). But it’s one of the most life-giving herbs in Ayurveda, the traditional medicine

Culinary Favorite Fights Cancer about false


Culinary Favorite Fights Cancer

No one quite knows how to classify this culinary favorite…Is it a spice? An herb? A vegetable? Or in a class of its own?Whatever you call it, it’s one of the world’s favorite foods AND it does more

Do You Have A Plastic Problem? about false


Do You Have A Plastic Problem?

You’re probably familiar with the health dangers associated with exposure to the chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) used to manufacture plastics.This chemical is a polycarbonate used to harden the plastics

The Easiest Way To Screen For Colon Cancer about false


The Easiest Way To Screen For Colon Cancer

The word “colonoscopy” fills many folks with a sense of dread. If you’re in fear of undergoing this invasive procedure, you’ll be encouraged by study results from the Kaiser Permanente Center for

Can This Malaria Treatment Heal Cancer? about false


Can This Malaria Treatment Heal Cancer?

Chinese healers have used the leaves of the artemisia plant as a medicinal tea for thousands of years. Lately, even mainstream medicine has crowned it as a highly effective treatment for malaria.Now

Which Oil Doesn’t Cause Cancer? about false


Which Oil Doesn’t Cause Cancer?

We’ve all heard about ultra-processed oils and their high risk of causing cancer. But what oil can you use if you want to protect your body against cancer?My favorite, and that of numerous natural

3,500 Times More Powerful Than Vitamin C — This Natural Enzyme Stops Cancer in its Tracks! about false


3,500 Times More Powerful Than Vitamin C — This Natural Enzyme Stops Cancer in its Tracks!

There’s a little-known enzyme in your body that packs a huge punch when it comes to keeping you healthy. Think of it as your ultimate “power-player” when it comes to removing toxic matter.The enzyme

“Liquid Gold” Fights Cancer about false


“Liquid Gold” Fights Cancer

Sweet, sticky honey has been known to have healing properties for thousands of years.In fact, Hippocrates even wrote about the “liquid gold” when he said that “honey causes heat, cleans sores and

Is Radiation From Cancer Screening tests dangerous? about false


Is Radiation From Cancer Screening tests dangerous?

When you think about “radiation,” you might think of glowing green radioactive stones, like the uranium used in atomic bombs. But ionizing radiation is all around us. It’s in the soil, the

Cheap, Easy Way To Get Your Cancer-Fighting Vitamins about false


Cheap, Easy Way To Get Your Cancer-Fighting Vitamins

One of the most frequently cited reasons for a poor diet is the cost of fresh produce, especially organic produce. I confess it gives me sticker shock, and I don’t know how anyone who’s not in the

Odd Morning Ritual Fights Cancer about false


Odd Morning Ritual Fights Cancer

It’s been called ridiculous… gross… outrageous… crazy… impossible!Those are just a few of the things people say when they first hear about this practice of detoxification that costs about a quarter a

When Talking About Eating Healthy Food Gets Cancer Doctors Fired about false


When Talking About Eating Healthy Food Gets Cancer Doctors Fired

We’ve often told our readers that a doctor can lose his license for recommending alternative cancer treatments, or virtually any natural treatment. I personally know of at least four cases of doctors

When Sitting Gives You Cancer… about false


When Sitting Gives You Cancer…

Over the last decade you’ve no doubt heard that “sitting kills” — a phrase meant to scare you into overhauling your sedentary lifestyle in hopes of adding years to your life.If you’re a long-time

The Link Between Beef And Cancer: True Or False? about false


The Link Between Beef And Cancer: True Or False?

Conventional wisdom, and some research, says you should cut your meat consumption if you want to avoid cancer.There’s certainly no doubt raw vegetables and fruits help reduce your cancer risk. The

Can This Job Give You Cancer? about false


Can This Job Give You Cancer?

A study conducted at the Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health in France suggests that certain types of jobs might actually contribute to cancer development. And they were not

“Botanical of the Year” Stops Cancer about false


“Botanical of the Year” Stops Cancer

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded a cancer-fighting food its “Botanical of the Year” designation! That’s saying something because NIH is not exactly a friend of alternative medicine or

The “Milk” Remedy For Cancer… about false


The “Milk” Remedy For Cancer…

You’ve heard the saying, “Milk: It does a body good.”Well, when it comes to helping heal cancer, it’s not exactly milk that can be an effective cancer treatment, but certain components found in both

Ancient Chinese Medical Secret Beats Leukemia Better Than Drugs about false


Ancient Chinese Medical Secret Beats Leukemia Better Than Drugs

For more than 2,000 years, Chinese medicine has used arsenic to treat a variety of conditions.I’m not pulling your leg! You probably know the chemical arsenic mainly as a poison used in many U.S.

Was This Cancer Cure Lost To The World? about false


Was This Cancer Cure Lost To The World?

“…the history of the Koch Treatment is more dramatic than anything which the mind of a Hollywood fiction writer could imagine.”So wrote three doctors in Birth of a Science (1957), the story of

Forgotten Spring Berry Fights Cancer Naturally! about false


Forgotten Spring Berry Fights Cancer Naturally!

If you’re like me, you’re ready for spring-time already! Even though we have another couple of months of winter, we can start planning how we’re going to enjoy the fruits of spring. And when it comes

Popular Toy’s Cancer-Fighting Secret… about false


Popular Toy’s Cancer-Fighting Secret…

Remember the chia pet craze back in the 1980s? They were the clay figures sold as a base for chia seeds. Once watered, the seeds would sprout and cover the clay figure with “fur.” It was basically a

A Better Melanoma Treatment about false


A Better Melanoma Treatment

Melanoma is a very deadly form of cancer. In 2023 about 99,780 new melanomas will be diagnosed in the U.S. and about 7,650 of these people are expected to die, according to the American Cancer

Does Testosterone Cause Prostate Cancer? about false


Does Testosterone Cause Prostate Cancer?

For over 70 years, doctors, oncologists, and researchers all knew one thing about prostate cancer: High testosterone is dangerous and causes prostate cancer … and low testosterone reduces your

When Cancer Is A Microbial Infection… about false


When Cancer Is A Microbial Infection…

The idea that you can “catch” leukemia probably seems crazy to most people…However, David Holland, M.D., spoke with a nurse who was diagnosed with leukemia, and came away thinking exactly that. It’s

Common Immune-Boosting Mineral, Future Cancer Treatment? about false


Common Immune-Boosting Mineral, Future Cancer Treatment?

We’d all like to think stopping cancer could someday be as easy as swallowing a pill or even getting an injection, but it’s not that simple—at least not just yet.According to David Kimball, former

Why Do Non-Smokers Get Lung Cancer? about false


Why Do Non-Smokers Get Lung Cancer?

It seems like an especially cruel twist of fate: Never smoking and dying of lung cancer.It’s true that smoking accounts for nearly nine out of ten cases of lung cancer. But, quite a few non-smokers

Japanese Farmers’ Secret Cancer-Fighter about false


Japanese Farmers’ Secret Cancer-Fighter

Longtime readers of this newsletter know mushrooms are among the most powerful foods for treating and preventing cancer. Some of the best cancer remedies are concocted from mushroom extracts.Today

The Mexican Food Secret for Fighting Cancer about false


The Mexican Food Secret for Fighting Cancer

Whether you’re enjoying tacos, enchiladas or chips and salsa, one of the best parts of Mexican food is the rich, creamy guacamole. At least in my humble opinion.In addition to giving a pop of flavor

Breakfast Staple Lowers Prostate Cancer Risk about false


Breakfast Staple Lowers Prostate Cancer Risk

Prostate cancer is an odd disease. One on hand, it’s the most common male cancer in all the world. But on the other hand, different countries have dramatically different rates of prostate cancer.1At

That “Sweet” Taste of Cancer-Causing Candy (And Why Kids Still Consume It Regularly) about false


That “Sweet” Taste of Cancer-Causing Candy (And Why Kids Still Consume It Regularly)

Few candies are as vividly memorable as Skittles, with their “taste the rainbow” taglines and vibrantly hued ad campaigns. They’re a go-to favorite for most kids and are often positioned at

How One Common Vitamin Stops Deadly Cancers From Growing about false


How One Common Vitamin Stops Deadly Cancers From Growing

Ovarian cancer is one of the most deadly cancers of our time. It affects one in five women and results in a terrifyingly high death rate. If caught early, nine out of ten patients survive. If caught

Calcium... Are You Getting Too MUCH or Too Little? about false


Calcium... Are You Getting Too MUCH or Too Little?

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body. Most of it – 99 percent – is stored in your bones and teeth. The remaining one percent is in your blood, for the normal function of muscles, nerves,

Why Are Men More Prone to Cancer Than Women? about false


Why Are Men More Prone to Cancer Than Women?

Half of all men will develop some form of cancer during their lives, compared to one in three women. Why the significant difference?Until 2017 the focus was on men’s more unhealthy lifestyles and

This Essential Mineral Can Cause Cancer about false


This Essential Mineral Can Cause Cancer

It’s a mineral best known for preventing anemia, but a bigger problem is that too much can increase your risk of cancer.I’m talking about iron. Knowing your iron status and finding ways to reduce

The Dietary Supplement That’s Proven to Prevent Cancer about false


The Dietary Supplement That’s Proven to Prevent Cancer

Scientists are pointing to one supplement that can slash the risk of a variety of cancers in patients at high genetic risk.The scientists call the new findings “unexpected,” “exciting,” and “vitally

The Anti-Cancer Herb Too Few Cancer Patients Use about false


The Anti-Cancer Herb Too Few Cancer Patients Use

What if there was a natural compound that could help you recover from – or prevent – cancer? Without dangerous side effects?A large and growing body of evidence from 30 years’ worth of studies

Aromatic Herb Assaults Cancer Cells about false


Aromatic Herb Assaults Cancer Cells

The Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of many forms of cancer as well as lowers the risk of dying from the disease.To discover the reason, research has focused on the variety of anti-inflammatory

The #1 Cancer-Fighting Beverage about false


The #1 Cancer-Fighting Beverage

Four centuries ago, the Chinese began brewing the leaves of this plant and drinking it as a hot beverage. Today, it’s the world’s most popular beverage besides water. Hundreds of millions of people

Indian Herb Shows Exceptional Promise in Treating Cancer about false


Indian Herb Shows Exceptional Promise in Treating Cancer

If you’ve ever enjoyed Indian food, then you’ve eaten the herb fenugreek. It has a distinct, bittersweet flavor reminiscent of maple syrup. And when the leaves and seeds are cooked, they develop

Did This Veterinarian Find A Treatment For Cancer? about false


Did This Veterinarian Find A Treatment For Cancer?

Veterinary surgeon Dr. John Carter, MRCVS, MB, AcA was very odd. His office had no receptionist. There were no appointment times. You just showed up with your pet and waited. And waited. And

Is Your Stove Giving You Cancer? about false


Is Your Stove Giving You Cancer?

If you’re a gas stove person, then you probably find it hard to cook on any other type of stove. The speed in which a gas stove reaches temperature, sometimes called “immediate temperature response”

The Easiest Way To Flood Your Cells With Healing Oxygen about false


The Easiest Way To Flood Your Cells With Healing Oxygen

Without oxygen, you’d be dead in about six minutes. It’s that critical for life. So, it’s no wonder that there are numerous successful alternative cancer treatments which appear to work by increasing

Why “The Kissing Plant” Is The Kiss Of Death To Cancer about false


Why “The Kissing Plant” Is The Kiss Of Death To Cancer

In Norse mythology a branch of this famed plant was thrown at the beloved god Baldur who then fell dead, on the spot. For most of us, however, the plant mistletoe is far from being associated with

What Does A Nine-Volt Battery Have To Do With Healing Cancer? about false


What Does A Nine-Volt Battery Have To Do With Healing Cancer?

In 1800, Italian-born physicist Alessandro Volta built what became known as the electric battery. It was the first device able to produce a steady electric current.Now, some European and Chinese

A Gooey Solution To One Of The Worst Cancer-Causing Pollutants about false


A Gooey Solution To One Of The Worst Cancer-Causing Pollutants

Microplastics are very well taking over our earth. It started when we began finding them in nature…animals consume them. They turned up in the guts of fish and shellfish. Even plants consume

Ten Of The Top Immune Boosters For Cancer Patients (They Fight Other Illnesses, Too…) about false


Ten Of The Top Immune Boosters For Cancer Patients (They Fight Other Illnesses, Too…)

With millions of people sitting in harm’s way for cancer and other life-threatening diseases, people who fall prey often find themselves asking, “Why me?”One reason is a weak immune system. The

The Firefighter’s Secret For Detoxing From Cancer-Causing “Forever” Chemicals about false


The Firefighter’s Secret For Detoxing From Cancer-Causing “Forever” Chemicals

There are a number of cancer-causing chemicals which lodge themselves deep inside your body’s tissues, resisting even the most powerful detoxification efforts to remove them. No one knows this better

The Surprising Supplement That Prevents and Treats Cancer (Even Helps Chemotherapy Work Better….) about false


The Surprising Supplement That Prevents and Treats Cancer (Even Helps Chemotherapy Work Better….)

Over the last 15 years the use of this supplement has soared, both among practicing physicians and the general public. All kinds of people are consuming probiotic supplements, including people who

2,000-Year-Old Mint Plant Kills Cancer Cells about false


2,000-Year-Old Mint Plant Kills Cancer Cells

Nearly three decades of research confirms that an herb from the mint family consumed for thousands of years in Asia may be highly effective in wiping out thirteen different forms of cancer.The news

Does This Ancient Chinese Remedy Heal Liver Cancer? about false


Does This Ancient Chinese Remedy Heal Liver Cancer?

One of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s ancient natural therapies is being tested as a possible treatment for liver cancer – even for cases once thought hopeless.Studies suggest that berbamine, a

More Research Points to Artificial Sweeteners Causing Cancer about false


More Research Points to Artificial Sweeteners Causing Cancer

With so much negativity surrounding sugar – weight gain, diabetes, cavities and more – it’s only natural to seek alternatives, and the food companies have complied. But artificial sweeteners have

Do Blood Pressure Drugs Cause Breast Cancer Or Prevent It? about false


Do Blood Pressure Drugs Cause Breast Cancer Or Prevent It?

The answer, according to the latest scientific research, is… it depends.It depends on WHICH blood pressure drug you’re taking, how long you’ve been taking it, your age and even whether you’ve had

Choosing A Naturopath, M.D., Or Both… about false


Choosing A Naturopath, M.D., Or Both…

If you’ve read much about alternative health, you’ve come across the word “naturopath” or you’ve seen the initials “N.D.” (instead of “M.D.”) following a doctor’s name. The doctors we interview in

New Discoveries In How Diet Influences Cancer Risk about false


New Discoveries In How Diet Influences Cancer Risk

Thanks to a flurry of studies into the link between diet and health, we are learning more and more about how your food choices affect the chances that you may develop cancer.So, according to the

The Truth About DMSO And Cancer about false


The Truth About DMSO And Cancer

DMSO has long been a favorite therapy of alternative cancer doctors because it calms inflammation, gobbles up free radicals, and boosts the effect of cancer-killing therapies such as high-dose

Are You Eating “The Worst” Food For Causing Cancer? about false


Are You Eating “The Worst” Food For Causing Cancer?

By now you’re aware that the foods you choose to put on your plate will either help your health or hinder it. And when it comes to cancer, there’s been lots of talk about what foods you should be

This “Bitter” Remedy for Blood Sugar Also Fights Cancer about false


This “Bitter” Remedy for Blood Sugar Also Fights Cancer

When it comes to natural remedies, it seems that ancient medicine often has a leg up on Western medical practitioners.This holds true when it comes to the plant which is especially popular among

World’s Most Nutritious Plant is Also a Powerful Cancer-Fighter! about false


World’s Most Nutritious Plant is Also a Powerful Cancer-Fighter!

Many health-conscious people kick-start their day with a smoothie and throw in a green powder to get even more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These green powders often contain extracts of

What Do Telomeres Have to Do With Getting Cancer? about false


What Do Telomeres Have to Do With Getting Cancer?

The subject of telomeres often comes up these days when people talk about staying healthy and living long. Yet I think few of us really understand how telomeres affect our cancer risk, and what – if

Does This High Fat Diet Help Treat Cancer? about false


Does This High Fat Diet Help Treat Cancer?

How does a diet with a preponderance of meat, fish, and eggs with lashings of butter, cream, and oils sound to you? Probably like a heart attack waiting to happen. And yet, an increasing number of

The Best Drink for Cancer Patients about false


The Best Drink for Cancer Patients

For some folks, the word “wheatgrass” conjures up images of juice bars and health food stores filled with, well, health nuts.But have you ever wondered just what it is and why so many folks are so

Turn Your Blood into an Anti-Cancer Elixir about false


Turn Your Blood into an Anti-Cancer Elixir

In recent lab tests, cancer researchers have found that there are two kinds of blood. One type, when supplied to cancer cells, doesn’t seem to affect cancer cells much if at all.The other type slows

How This Citrus Extract is Fighting Cancer Growth And Metastasis about false


How This Citrus Extract is Fighting Cancer Growth And Metastasis

During the past 20 years or so, scientists have gained new understanding of the way our immune system works — how it guards us from invading microbes and cancer cell growth.Some of that research has

A New Type of Immunotherapy Gives Hope to Late-Stage Cancer Patients about false


A New Type of Immunotherapy Gives Hope to Late-Stage Cancer Patients

Over the last century researchers extensively studied immunotherapy, but repeated failures of the treatment led many to abandon it. As one scientist puts it, “The dogma at the time was, ‘Don’t even

The “Food Poisoning” Cure for Cancer about false


The “Food Poisoning” Cure for Cancer

When you hear the words food poisoning, the first thing you probably think of is E. coli. And you wouldn’t be wrong—given that some strains of the bacteria have been linked to food recalls and

New Cancer-Fighting Nutrient about false


New Cancer-Fighting Nutrient

Seems like not too many people have heard about luteolin, a nutrient found in fruits and vegetables. But it’s a nutrient you should know about. The latest studies of its health benefits have revealed

The “Safe” Ingredient That Can Give You Cancer about false


The “Safe” Ingredient That Can Give You Cancer

Enjoying any of the more than 6,000 popular foods and beverages that contain this ingredient can lead to leukemia, multiple myeloma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas… along with brain, kidney, liver, and

Why Dogs Can Detect Cancer So Accurately about false


Why Dogs Can Detect Cancer So Accurately

Dogs have such an amazing sense of smell, they’re trained to detect explosives, illicit drugs, contraband electronics, concealed currency, earthquake survivors and much more.In the health field, dogs

Do Vitamins Really Reduce Your Risk of Cancer? about false


Do Vitamins Really Reduce Your Risk of Cancer?

Sometimes the simplest answer is the best one. Case in point: Researchers have repeatedly confirmed what many have considered a “no-brainer” for decades…A well-balanced diet is the secret to better

How Tiny Exploding Bubbles Can Obliterate Tumors in Under Seven Minutes about false


How Tiny Exploding Bubbles Can Obliterate Tumors in Under Seven Minutes

Imagine a future where surgery, including cancer surgery, involves no scalpels or incisions of any kind. The only thing to enter the body is energy, which eradicates unwanted and harmful tissue in

A Cancer-Fighting Diet Should Rebuild Your Gut about false


A Cancer-Fighting Diet Should Rebuild Your Gut

Here’s yet another reason to really pay attention to nourishing your body while you fight cancer or try to prevent it: As much as 70 percent of your immune system is in and around your

Do You Need Genetic Testing for Cancer? about false


Do You Need Genetic Testing for Cancer?

Even if you or your loved ones are “good” candidates for using genetic tests to uncover your risks for certain cancers, doing these tests can be life-altering. So, before you pursue them, consider

The Cancer-Causing Monster In Your Bed about false


The Cancer-Causing Monster In Your Bed

If you’ve been wondering why you can’t sleep well or feel bad in the morning for no reason, the trouble might not be with your sleep. It might be what you’re sleeping on.The advertising for most

Using Heat to Kill Cancer about false


Using Heat to Kill Cancer

There’s no shortage of films, particularly in the science fiction and horror genres, that use massive blasts of fire, bombs, and other burning weapons to eradicate whatever problem they’re battling

What’s The Easiest Way to Reduce Your Cancer Risk? about false


What’s The Easiest Way to Reduce Your Cancer Risk?

Skimping on sleep has become the American norm. And Americans are paying a terrible price through mounting troubles, including a greater danger of cancer. By some estimates, sleep deprivation is the

Pioneering Florida Physician’s Novel Cancer Therapies Target the Reasons Conventional Methods Fail about false


Pioneering Florida Physician’s Novel Cancer Therapies Target the Reasons Conventional Methods Fail

Mark A. Rosenberg M.D. says he’s “generally disliked by local oncologists.” For one reason, he’s not a conventional board-certified oncologist. For another, he’s not interested in the mainstream

Popular Breast Cancer Drug Affects Memory—Here’s What You Can Do About It…. about false


Popular Breast Cancer Drug Affects Memory—Here’s What You Can Do About It….

Doctors have been prescribing tamoxifen for more than 40 years to treat breast cancer in women and men (yes, a few men get breast cancer). Doctors may also prescribe it as a preventative strategy for

Spiders Can Make a Big Contribution to Fighting Cancer about false


Spiders Can Make a Big Contribution to Fighting Cancer

A lot of people don’t like spiders. The little critters often inspire irrational fear and loathing even though most spiders won’t and can’t hurt humans.However, for the researchers studying ways to

Knock Out Stress Before It Causes Cancer about false


Knock Out Stress Before It Causes Cancer

Stress is often called the #1 killer. It’s hard to say for sure, because the damage stress does is indirect – death is just a side effect. But there’s no question that stress can cause or exacerbate

Five Years Ago, He Had Terminal Cancer... So How is He Cancer-Free? about false


Five Years Ago, He Had Terminal Cancer... So How is He Cancer-Free?

Five years ago, Joe Tippens had stage-4 small cell lung cancer, which metastasized from head to toe. He was told to get his affairs in order.A few weeks ago, Joe achieved five years in remission with

Backyard Weed Helps Fight Cancer about false


Backyard Weed Helps Fight Cancer

A fluffy-looking weed that’s a favorite of children everywhere and a nuisance for homeowners is getting renewed attention for its health benefits— including studies that show it can help you fight

The Salt and Vinegar Remedy For Cancer about false


The Salt and Vinegar Remedy For Cancer

A natural powder that costs pennies a dose hit the headlines in 2007 when it shrunk brain, breast, and lung tumors by up to 70 percent in rodents in a short space of time and without side

Relax The Germ Warfare And Fight Cancer about false


Relax The Germ Warfare And Fight Cancer

We’ve spent the better part of the past century sterilizing everything in sight, from milk to meat to produce, our hands, and anything else that might carry a germ or two. Our germ awareness became

Ancient Herb of Courage Attacks Cancer about false


Ancient Herb of Courage Attacks Cancer

When it comes to medicinal plants, the ancients had it right: They knew that you often can’t distinguish between food and medicine.A particular herb that demonstrates this point has been used in

Given Three Months to Live, This is How She Beat Cancer about false


Given Three Months to Live, This is How She Beat Cancer

Having spent 25 years working in the psychology, mindset transformation and personal development fields in the United Kingdom, Sophie Sabbage was well versed in helping people overcome the many

This Common Mineral Has Cancer-Killing Powers about false


This Common Mineral Has Cancer-Killing Powers

While great medicinal discoveries are being made deep in the rainforests or through science-fiction-like technology, some of the most effective medicines are already here, staring us straight in the

Still One of the Top Ten Natural Cancer Treatments about false


Still One of the Top Ten Natural Cancer Treatments

Dr. Merrill Garnett, a New York dentist and biochemist, was determined to uncover a cancer treatment that would selectively target tumors while supporting and enhancing the health of the whole

How One Doctor’s Chronic Migraines Led to the Discovery of a Natural Cancer Treatment about false


How One Doctor’s Chronic Migraines Led to the Discovery of a Natural Cancer Treatment

Dr. Max Gerson operated by a simple mantra: “Stay close to nature and its eternal laws will protect you.”1Dr. Gerson became a physician in Germany at the dawn of the 20th century. Around this time,

The Overlooked Connection Between Diabetes and Cancer about false


The Overlooked Connection Between Diabetes and Cancer

Today I’m going to talk about two diseases that may seem a world apart. Yet numerous studies suggest they’re often linked. It’s not completely clear why, but people with this common, preventable

This Healthy Snack Reduces the Risk of Cancer (Especially if You’ve Already Had it) about false


This Healthy Snack Reduces the Risk of Cancer (Especially if You’ve Already Had it)

Research shows that as many as 40 percent of cancers can be avoided by factors that are under your control - one of which is the food you choose to eat.But today we’re not going to talk about

The Truth About Acidic versus Alkaline Diets and Cancer about false


The Truth About Acidic versus Alkaline Diets and Cancer

As we learn more about how to prevent cancer, we’ve learned that it’s possible to create an internal environment hostile to the disease. This begins by living a healthy lifestyle. For example, going

Do These Bugs Cause Cancer? about false


Do These Bugs Cause Cancer?

Doctors deny this cancer threat exists, but research suggests that this common health problem is likely behind more cases of cancer than many people realize. In fact, treating this problem is helping

How Juice Can Detoxify Your Body Naturally about false


How Juice Can Detoxify Your Body Naturally

Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment From“The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” Conference This is the second of two reports about Ty Bollinger's 2021 “The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” conference at the

Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment From “The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” Conference about false


Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment From “The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” Conference

This is the first of two reports about Ty Bollinger's 2021 “The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” conference at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee.By Andrew

This Vitamin Can Lower Your Cancer Risk 49 Percent! about false


This Vitamin Can Lower Your Cancer Risk 49 Percent!

A simple vitamin has been shown to provide a natural defense against cancers of the breast, colon, lung and many others. It’s remarkable that just one vitamin can do so much. Keep reading…To reduce

Scientists Discover Two Common Culinary Spices Can Fight Cancer about false


Scientists Discover Two Common Culinary Spices Can Fight Cancer

Two popular herbs used in cooking contain compounds that are of great interest to scientists because they have powerful anti-cancer properties.Up until recently, scientists couldn’t extract enough of

“Diamond of the Forest” Helps Heal Cancer about false


“Diamond of the Forest” Helps Heal Cancer

The Japanese call it the “Diamond of the Forest” and the Chinese named it the “King of Plants”—which is really saying something since they’ve had a centuries-long love affair with an amazing number

Do You Really Need Chemo? A New Test Could Tell You… about false


Do You Really Need Chemo? A New Test Could Tell You…

Treating cancer with chemotherapy has long been one of mainstream medicine’s primary tools for fighting cancer. And while chemo does kill cancer, it sometimes kills the patient too, because of the

Could This Common Spice be Better Than Cancer Drugs? about false


Could This Common Spice be Better Than Cancer Drugs?

This spice reigns as one of the world’s favorite culinary flavors and natural medicines. It’s a popular addition to numerous stir fries and curries and, outside of the kitchen, this spice is

New Blood Tests Show Promise for Early Colon Cancer Diagnosis about false


New Blood Tests Show Promise for Early Colon Cancer Diagnosis

Detecting colon cancer as soon as possible can mean the difference between life and death. Yet patients often arrive at the doctor’s office with vague symptoms that could be brushed off as

Using Homeopathy to Treat Cancer about false


Using Homeopathy to Treat Cancer

When 81-year-old Trish Coleman of British Columbia was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she was given four to six months to live, with no hope of a cure or even a treatment.She turned to a

One Key to Successfully Treating Prostate Cancer about false


One Key to Successfully Treating Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer can be successfully treated, especially in the early stages. But, as with many cancers, some cases don’t respond as well to treatments—whether or not you’re using conventional therapy

The One Virus You Might Not Mind Getting! about false


The One Virus You Might Not Mind Getting!

Scientists have spent decades experimenting with the use of viruses in the treatment of cancer. We’ve told you about a number of these viruses, called oncolytic viruses, in the past; and today we

Can Scientists Make Unhealthy Processed Foods Healthy Again? about false


Can Scientists Make Unhealthy Processed Foods Healthy Again?

Bacon, ham, and hot dogs are off the menu for many health-conscious folks because of their link to colon cancer. But they could be back on your plate guilt-free soon—at least when it comes to

Black Cumin Seed’s Cancer-Fighting Power about false


Black Cumin Seed’s Cancer-Fighting Power

If you’re a cook, you’re probably familiar with cumin, a tannish-colored powder derived from grinding the seeds of a plant related to the parsley family. The spice is commonly used to prepare

What Animals Can Tell Us About Cancer about false


What Animals Can Tell Us About Cancer

If we want to get better at preventing cancer and developing more effective ways to treat it, insights we gain from analyzing cancer in animals can help.Investigators have begun performing broad

Gold: Does this Precious Metal Hold the Key to Killing Cancer Cells? about false


Gold: Does this Precious Metal Hold the Key to Killing Cancer Cells?

Most folks know that chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells AND healthy cells.Because these drugs don’t discriminate, cancer patients frequently experience hair loss… foggy thinking… nausea and

Stress, Cancer and How to Cope about false


Stress, Cancer and How to Cope

Does stress really cause cancer? It’s a question more people are asking themselves as the pandemic continues to shapeshift into unknown territory, and we adapt in unfamiliar ways.But there are two

Japanese “Dancing” Secret for Cancer about false


Japanese “Dancing” Secret for Cancer

This Japanese health secret was once so highly treasured for its health benefits that it was literally worth its weight in silver.Now, extracts of this natural secret have been proven effective

Why One of the Easiest Ways to Stop Cancer is Still Overlooked about false


Why One of the Easiest Ways to Stop Cancer is Still Overlooked

Not too long ago a healthcare professional friend of mine shared his top frustration with me.“I bet if exercise was available in pill form,” he lamented, “it would be the most widely prescribed drug

A Vaccine for Cancer about false


A Vaccine for Cancer

Vaccines have been a hot topic as we make our way through the coronavirus pandemic. But not all vaccines target viruses and the like. There’s also a vaccine for cancer. Best of all, it doesn’t employ

The “Essential” Nutrient that Can Cause Cancer about false


The “Essential” Nutrient that Can Cause Cancer

Most doctors act as though everyone is deficient in this important nutrient and should get more...That stance can be dangerous—even deadly.This substance acts as a rusting agent in your body and

All-Natural Fat-Buster Fights Cancer Too! about false


All-Natural Fat-Buster Fights Cancer Too!

It’s not often that a diet fad has other important medical applications, but in the case of this all-natural fat buster, that appears to be the case.Raspberry ketones have been a diet fad for some

How Your Christmas Tree Can Help You Fight Cancer about false


How Your Christmas Tree Can Help You Fight Cancer

With the festive season upon us, around 25 to 30 million live Christmas trees will be sold in the U.S., with pines - especially the Scotch pine - being one of the most popular varieties.Apart from

The “Silent” Cancer Striking Down Young Men about false


The “Silent” Cancer Striking Down Young Men

They’re young… vibrant… and have no hint there’s anything wrong — until the shocking diagnosis that they have cancer…This cancer attacks many young men in their teens, twenties and thirties — people

Avoid This Food and Cut Your Risk of Breast Cancer Almost in Half about false


Avoid This Food and Cut Your Risk of Breast Cancer Almost in Half

We live in a meat-eating culture. Americans consume an average of 274 pounds of meat every year, and this doesn’t even include seafood or fish.A few years ago, America had the second-highest meat

How to Harness the Healing Power of Light about false


How to Harness the Healing Power of Light

We’ve been talking about ultraviolet blood irradiation, also known as UBI, for years. It continues to be an astounding therapy for a host of diseases, including cancer.According to Tom Lowe, an

How James Beat Stage 4 Cancer about false


How James Beat Stage 4 Cancer

“I was living the American dream... felt virtuous, proud, wise, and sometimes even invincible...”Thus begins the true story of James Templeton, as he tells it in the book, I Used to Have Cancer: How

The Forgotten Cancer-Fighting Mineral about false


The Forgotten Cancer-Fighting Mineral

Your body loves this mineral.It’s essential to create life and to feed and grow a baby. This mineral also fights diseases and performs over 300 other biological functions in the human body.Too much

How to Indulge in This Holiday Spice and Fight Cancer, Too! about false


How to Indulge in This Holiday Spice and Fight Cancer, Too!

If a daily morning muffin made you healthier and helped fight cancer, would you eat it?I’m betting yes, especially when it’s a blend as delicious as a blueberry and cardamom muffin. If you’re not

When Sleep Problems Cause Cancer about false


When Sleep Problems Cause Cancer

Do you find yourself tossing and turning all night? Or do your eyes droop throughout the day because you never feel really rested? Or do you fiercely deny claims that your snoring shakes the

Can You Catch Cancer? about false


Can You Catch Cancer?

The simple answer is yes. Cancer can be a contagious disease.However, don’t worry, this has only been observed in a few members of the animal kingdom and in humans under very unusual and rare

This Simple Treatment Can Save Your Hair During Chemotherapy about false


This Simple Treatment Can Save Your Hair During Chemotherapy

Going bald is one of the most obvious and demoralizing signs of cancer treatment — at least, if you opt for chemotherapy.Once you lose your hair, your secret is out. Your cancer battle goes public.

Surprising Nutrient Feeds Cancer Cells about false


Surprising Nutrient Feeds Cancer Cells

Rapidly dividing cancer cells need extra energy so they devour glucose (sugar) at a high rate. This medical fact has been well established for almost a century.But here's a shocker. While cancer

Well-Known Pain-Fighter Eliminates Cancer, Too! about false


Well-Known Pain-Fighter Eliminates Cancer, Too!

Are you a fan of hot spicy food that makes your mouth feel like it’s on fire? Personally, I love hot foods – and for once, something I like is good for me!In addition to fighting pain, scientists are

The Hidden Truth About Sex and Cancer about false


The Hidden Truth About Sex and Cancer

Most people who are infected with the world’s most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) aren’t even aware they have it. That means the human papillomavirus (HPV) can easily spread like

Do Some People Have a Cancer-Prone Personality? about false


Do Some People Have a Cancer-Prone Personality?

Martin, a 70-year-old Georgia resident, experienced two major losses within a short time. First, he lost his wife of 40 years. Then, he remarried, but his new wife of six weeks deserted him. He

Why Do Some Cancers Seemingly Disappear On Their Own? about false


Why Do Some Cancers Seemingly Disappear On Their Own?

According to mainstream medicine, what’s known as the “spontaneous remission” of cancer happens when someone’s cancer disappears without being eradicated by chemotherapy, radiation or some other

So You Have Cancer… What’s the Next Step? about false


So You Have Cancer… What’s the Next Step?

Most people are at sea when they get a cancer diagnosis. It’s no wonder. Cancer is a completely life-changing experience.An avalanche of questions begins almost as soon as you’re told you have

Asparagus: Friend or Foe in the Cancer Battle? about false


Asparagus: Friend or Foe in the Cancer Battle?

Asparagus is an often forgotten vegetable, yet it has a storied history.Among its fascinating characteristics is the fact that this perennial plant can remain productive for up to 35 years. In

Three Proven Herbs for Managing and Healing Cancer Pain about false


Three Proven Herbs for Managing and Healing Cancer Pain

The chronic pain that accompanies a disease like cancer goes beyond physical discomfort. In the worst cases, it’s relentless and can swallow up your whole life. All you can think about is the

Stem Cell and Immune Therapy Breakthroughs May Hold the Key to Curing Cancer about false


Stem Cell and Immune Therapy Breakthroughs May Hold the Key to Curing Cancer

Stem cells have created a lot of buzz in the medical and scientific community, and with good reason. They have the potential to not only get to the root cause of diseases like cancer, but to generate

The Virus That Vaporizes Cancer Cells—Leaving Healthy Cells Untouched! about false


The Virus That Vaporizes Cancer Cells—Leaving Healthy Cells Untouched!

The coronavirus has placed viruses front and center of today’s medical news. But not every virus is deadly or even dangerous.There’s one virus that can actually help you fight illness. In fact, it’s

Treating Cancer with Ozone about false


Treating Cancer with Ozone

Ozone therapy is not a standard treatment for cancer. However, many alternative cancer doctors around the world use this simple therapy and believe that it could not only improve cancer survival

The “Mushroom of Immortality” Fights Cancer Too about false


The “Mushroom of Immortality” Fights Cancer Too

At first glance, it sounds like a miracle mushroom: “Tames inflammation!” “Builds stamina!” “Relieves fatigue!” “Supports the immune system!” It has even earned the nickname, the “mushroom of

Early Warning Signs of the Forgotten Cancer about false


Early Warning Signs of the Forgotten Cancer

This cancer doesn’t get the press that other cancers do. Yet it takes someone’s life every hour.In fact, this cancer is so deadly that only half of those diagnosed with it today will still be alive

Humble Garnish Contains Surprising Cancer-Fighters about false


Humble Garnish Contains Surprising Cancer-Fighters

It’s the proverbial low-calorie snack… also the taken-for-granted turkey stuffing ingredient and the predictable garnish in a Bloody Mary.But don’t underestimate the healing power of celery. Not only

Tropical Plant Reveals Rare Cancer-Fighting Molecules about false


Tropical Plant Reveals Rare Cancer-Fighting Molecules

During the last three decades up to half of all approved drugs, including those for cancer, have been derived from nature.One plant that's come to the attention of cancer researchers grows in the

Could this "Food of the Pharaohs" Be a Natural Cancer Killer? about false


Could this "Food of the Pharaohs" Be a Natural Cancer Killer?

The ancient Egyptians believed their Pharaohs would need certain items in the afterlife, so they frequently buried them with these important objects. Of course we've all heard about the golden

Stay on the Sunny Side and Lower Your Cancer Risk about false


Stay on the Sunny Side and Lower Your Cancer Risk

If you follow the advice of many conventional doctors, you might never let a single ray of sunshine touch your skin unless you’ve already slathered yourself with a thick coat of sunscreen.That’s

Common Spice is “Fertilizer” for Cancer about false


Common Spice is “Fertilizer” for Cancer

Most of us associate MSG – monosodium glutamate — with certain Chinese food restaurants or can’t-stop-eating potato chips. Neither is known for being healthy. But MSG has a much broader reach. In

Cancer Treatment from Emperor Charlemagne’s Garden about false


Cancer Treatment from Emperor Charlemagne’s Garden

Plenty is written about kings of the past and their mistresses, their dogs or their art, but rarely do we read about their plants.As it happens, the Emperor Charlemagne – his name means Charles the

Why Are Golfers at Higher Risk of Cancer? about false


Why Are Golfers at Higher Risk of Cancer?

Here's a special warning to anyone who frequents the golf course...Experts are finding that people who spend large amounts of time on the golf course are at higher risk for cancers of the brain,

How to Prevent and Survive Cancer... According to a Cancer Patient about false


How to Prevent and Survive Cancer... According to a Cancer Patient

The nurse grabbed four bags labeled “TOXIC DANGER.” She wore a protective gown, gloves and cap.“Why are you suited up?”“If any of these substances were to leak, it would burn me.”“And you’re going to

Can This Simple Water Purifier Also Cure Cancer? about false


Can This Simple Water Purifier Also Cure Cancer?

Jim Humble was hoping to strike pay dirt on a gold mining expedition. While he didn’t strike gold he did accidentally discover a natural treatment that has reportedly healed everything from malaria

Chef’s Secrets Help Chase Away Cancer about false


Chef’s Secrets Help Chase Away Cancer

Any chef worth his or her salt has numerous “secret” recipes that rely on an array of spices to flavor their prized culinary creations. But many spices do more than just add flavor, they can add a

Do You Have These Eight Cancer Warning Signs? about false


Do You Have These Eight Cancer Warning Signs?

Many people believe cancer wreaks silent havoc on the body and that by the time you notice any changes in your health, cancer is already growing out of control. In some cases this is true, but in

The World’s Most Expensive Spice is Fighting Cancer about false


The World’s Most Expensive Spice is Fighting Cancer

In temperate regions, the lovely purple, lilac or white flowers of the crocus bulb are one of the most welcome sights of the year, being pretty much the very first sign of spring.The edible part

The Oldest Known Alternative Cancer Treatment is Still Healing Thousands... about false


The Oldest Known Alternative Cancer Treatment is Still Healing Thousands...

What do the following have in common? An Illinois horse breeder His prize stallion A clump of shrubs and flowering plants CancerPlenty — if you know about the story of the discovery of an herbal

Strange But True: High-Tech Colon Screening Coming to Your Home about false


Strange But True: High-Tech Colon Screening Coming to Your Home

Cancer care and prevention services have been badly disrupted worldwide because of the COVID-19 pandemic.In the United States, screenings for breast and cervical cancers dropped 94 percent and colon

Common Garden Plant Doubles as a Potent Cancer Killer! about false


Common Garden Plant Doubles as a Potent Cancer Killer!

Ever heard of wormwood or mugwort? Although they may sound like characters from a Harry Potter novel, they're really common names of the Artemisia annua plant that some researchers now know is an

Is Beautiful Skin Linked to Staying Cancer-Free? about false


Is Beautiful Skin Linked to Staying Cancer-Free?

Almost every woman over a certain age wants smoother, more youthful-looking skin—and some men, too.Now, a group of cancer scientists point to new research that reveals why we should all aim for

Using Deadly Bacteria to Kill Cancer about false


Using Deadly Bacteria to Kill Cancer

Salmonella bacteria is a serious health threat that’s been linked to severe illness and even death. But over the last decade this deadly little bacterium has been at the forefront of the “germ

Folk Medicine Burn Remedy Has Anti-Cancer Power about false


Folk Medicine Burn Remedy Has Anti-Cancer Power

The aloe vera plant has been a vital part of herbal medicine for at least 4,000 years. If you’re like me, then you know many folks who grow it at home and, when they get sunburned or suffer another

Natural Skin Cancer Remedy Causes Cancer? about false


Natural Skin Cancer Remedy Causes Cancer?

A decade ago a Danish pharmaceutical company thought they’d struck gold with a new prescription gel that caused sun spots and skin cancer to vanish. They had studies to prove it, and we reported

Light Pollution Linked to this Cancer about false


Light Pollution Linked to this Cancer

A new study suggests people who live in areas exposed to high levels of night-time light from street lamps and buildings, sometimes referred to as light pollution, are at an increased risk of thyroid

Why Diabetics Have an Increased Risk of Cancer about false


Why Diabetics Have an Increased Risk of Cancer

If you have diabetes or are at risk for the disease, there’s something you need to know. Diabetes and cancer— two of the most common diseases in the United States— share a stronger link than you

Colorectal Cancer: Is Screening Actually Worthwhile? about false


Colorectal Cancer: Is Screening Actually Worthwhile?

Every day, 410 people in the U.S. receive the bad news… they have colorectal cancer.And these cancer patients are getting younger all the time. Colon cancer rates rose more than two percent per year

Mother Goose Points the "Whey" to Fight Cancer about false


Mother Goose Points the "Whey" to Fight Cancer

If she survived the spider, Little Miss Muffet's good eating habits may have given her a lifetime of protection against cancer and a host of other diseases.The "curds and whey" she was eating in the

The “Most Hated” Natural Cancer Treatment in America Really Works about false


The “Most Hated” Natural Cancer Treatment in America Really Works

In 1921, a British doctor discovered that members of a remote native tribe were almost totally cancer-free. But when members of this tribe move away from their native land and change their diet, they

Proven Heart Saver Fights Cancer Too! about false


Proven Heart Saver Fights Cancer Too!

You know how coenzyme Q10—commonly called CoQ10—is a heart-saving miracle. This nutrient provides the fuel your heart needs to maintain its steady rhythm of 100,000 beats per day.But recent clinical

Brighten Your Mood with This Cancer-Fighting Nutrient about false


Brighten Your Mood with This Cancer-Fighting Nutrient

Many cancers have a genetic component and can begin when one or more genes are turned “on” or “off.” Certain diet and lifestyle changes can help keep genes well-functioning and prevent cancer. So can

Often Forgotten Cancer-Causing Danger of Summer Time about false


Often Forgotten Cancer-Causing Danger of Summer Time

Summer time is often the worst time for exposure to a chemical that scientists called “a mutagen, carcinogen, and endocrine disruptor" in a scathing toxicology report.This chemical was banned in food

A Soothing Massage Can Speed Cancer Recovery about false


A Soothing Massage Can Speed Cancer Recovery

Anybody who has had a good massage can tell you it feels great, but could a massage actually be used as part of a treatment arsenal against a potent enemy like cancer?It's almost hard to picture if

Natural Ways to Combat the Brain-Damaging Side Effects of Chemotherapy about false


Natural Ways to Combat the Brain-Damaging Side Effects of Chemotherapy

Just a few years ago, it seemed like only complementary and alternative practitioners were concerned about the condition known as “chemo brain”— the brain fog and cognition difficulties that

Forgotten Flavonoid Targets Cancer Cells for Destruction about false


Forgotten Flavonoid Targets Cancer Cells for Destruction

Way back in 1930 at the brick-red University of Szeged in Hungary, a brilliant scientist named Albert Szent-Györgyi identified a new natural compound from an orange that enabled the body to

Get the Lead Out (And the Mercury, and the Cadmium. . .) about false


Get the Lead Out (And the Mercury, and the Cadmium. . .)

If you’re a long-term fan of alternative health you’ve probably heard of chelation (pronounced KEY-lation). It first came to my attention some 30 years ago as a nonsurgical way to clear the junk out

This Cancer-Fighting Mineral is Almost Totally Ignored about false


This Cancer-Fighting Mineral is Almost Totally Ignored

A Michigan doctor finds that nearly 100 percent of the patients he tests are deficient in a particular mineral.This mineral is one everyone has heard of — and you probably think you get plenty from

Cancer From an Unlikely Source about false


Cancer From an Unlikely Source

The other day, I listened as a radio personality voiced a segment on things people did 100 years ago that seem strange today. Bloodletting with leeches and using heroin as a cold remedy were two of

Protease Enzymes: The Overlooked Cancer Fighter about false


Protease Enzymes: The Overlooked Cancer Fighter

Enzymes are one of the cornerstones of alternative cancer therapy. Many alternative cancer doctors recommend either enzyme supplements or diets that are naturally rich in enzymes.Enzymes are safe,

Cancer-Killing Power of “Horn Root” about false


Cancer-Killing Power of “Horn Root”

Horn root is a plant that dates back to the 1st century in ancient China and India. Ancient healers used horn root medicinally while ordinary folks enjoyed its strong flavor in cooking. If you think

Common B Vitamin Fights Deadly Brain Cancer about false


Common B Vitamin Fights Deadly Brain Cancer

Glioblastoma is one of the most common brain tumors, and without a doubt the most lethal.1 Once diagnosed, most people live fewer than 15 months.2In an attempt to find an effective treatment,

Brazilian Mushroom Stops Up to 99.4 Percent of Tumors about false


Brazilian Mushroom Stops Up to 99.4 Percent of Tumors

The next time you smother a baked potato with a big pile of freshly sautéed mushrooms, you’ll have more to appreciate than a happy palate.Mushrooms are one of the most potent immunity boosters on the

Removing Just One Nutrient from Your Diet Helps Cancer Treatment Succeed about false


Removing Just One Nutrient from Your Diet Helps Cancer Treatment Succeed

A proven way to extend the healthy lifespan of insects and animals is to dramatically lower the number of calories they consume while not reducing the nutrition their bodies need.Research shows that

Resveratrol Can Help You Fight Aging and Cancer at the Same Time about false


Resveratrol Can Help You Fight Aging and Cancer at the Same Time

For years, natural health circles have been abuzz with excitement about resveratrol.Research shows it’s a potent anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory compound. It may also enhance the effectiveness of

Should You Eat More of These Trendy Foods? about false


Should You Eat More of These Trendy Foods?

Trends can be helpful – sometimes. But they can also be wrong. That’s why it’s always smart to try to understand the science behind any trend or to see if there even is science to understand.One of

The Often-Overlooked Way to Prevent Breast Cancer about false


The Often-Overlooked Way to Prevent Breast Cancer

It’s not news that environmental toxins cause cancer. But there’s one category of environmental toxins that may be worst of all, especially when it comes to causing breast cancer.These toxins disrupt

Anti-Cancer Secret Found in the Leaves of this Ancient Tree about false


Anti-Cancer Secret Found in the Leaves of this Ancient Tree

Among all the health-promoting herbs, plants and foods that were endorsed by the ancients, one stands out as the probable champ for supporting body and mind.This tree and the oil made from its fruit

One of Nature’s Most Powerful Cancer-fighting Antioxidants about false


One of Nature’s Most Powerful Cancer-fighting Antioxidants

I’ve written before about anthocyanins, the antioxidants responsible for the dark pigmentation in berries and blue-black fruits like grapes and plums, but anthocyanins actually break down into

A "Paradigm Shift" on Inflammation Could Lead to a Game-Changing Cancer Treatment about false


A "Paradigm Shift" on Inflammation Could Lead to a Game-Changing Cancer Treatment

At first glance, gallstones don't appear to have much in common with asthma. And COVID-19 seems quite different from Alzheimer's. Yet these, and many other common diseases are all driven by a single

Stamina-Boosting Herb Can Also Fight Cancer about false


Stamina-Boosting Herb Can Also Fight Cancer

The herb ginseng is well-known around the world.People take it to help with stress, fatigue, impaired immunity, heart issues, anxiety, symptoms of menopause and a dizzying number of other health

The Surprising Cancer-Fighting Benefits of Naturally Occurring Nitrates about false


The Surprising Cancer-Fighting Benefits of Naturally Occurring Nitrates

As warmer weather rolls in, so too does the scent of weekend backyard barbecues. That typically includes a lot of hot dogs, sausages, and even bacon – namely, lots of processed meat.And while the

If You HAD to Get Cancer, Here’s the One You’d Want about false


If You HAD to Get Cancer, Here’s the One You’d Want

At the sound of the word “cancer,” most people completely freak out. Which is understandable, considering the danger of most cancers.But there’s one cancer that doesn’t have the serious life-or-death

Parsley: The Garnish that Fights Cancer about false


Parsley: The Garnish that Fights Cancer

Every month of studying the latest and greatest research on natural and alternative cancer treatments uncovers the same truth: Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables helps reduce the risk of

Why Dr. Johanna Budwig’s All-Natural Cancer Cure Works about false


Why Dr. Johanna Budwig’s All-Natural Cancer Cure Works

Dr. Johanna Budwig is a legendary figure in the world of natural approaches to treating cancer. She created a simple formula to defeat the disease. All you have to do is blend two common foods

Aztec Warrior Superfood Fights Cancer about false


Aztec Warrior Superfood Fights Cancer

Imagine a seed so powerful that a single tablespoon of it can sustain you for 24 hours.Going back as far as 3500 BC, the warriors of mid-American cultures like the Maya and Aztec knew the chia seed

Eating More of These Foods Can Starve Cancer about false


Eating More of These Foods Can Starve Cancer

When cancer cells form a tumor and then try to spread, they need a steady supply of nutrients to fuel their expansion from the original tumor. These malignant cells are programmed to multiply as

People Who Drink this Tea Have Lower Rates of Cancer about false


People Who Drink this Tea Have Lower Rates of Cancer

Tea is a great substitute for coffee in the morning if you want to cut back on caffeine. And one kind of tea not only helps you reduce your caffeine intake, but also can help you fight cancer.Here’s

“Virgin Mary” Treatment Doubles Survival Rate for Cancer Patients about false


“Virgin Mary” Treatment Doubles Survival Rate for Cancer Patients

A Hungarian cancer researcher was almost finished with his investigation into a promising new cancer treatment when he ran out of money. Máté Hidvégi had already sold his car for funding and had

Does this Milk Cause Cancer? about false


Does this Milk Cause Cancer?

Milk supposedly “does a body good.” My response to that is it depends on the milk. Some milk contains a controversial ingredient with compelling evidence linking it to various types of cancer.1Even

Does BPA-Free Mean Cancer-Free? about false


Does BPA-Free Mean Cancer-Free?

Plastic is toxic. It weakens your immune system. It makes you fatter and sicker. Plastic could even be the hidden reason your scale has become your enemy.Studies have found that one type of plastic,

This Vitamin Can Help You Survive Cancer about false


This Vitamin Can Help You Survive Cancer

These days, vitamin D is having a moment in the research world. Recent studies have suggested it can improve physical endurance as you age as well as guard against severe COVID-19.1 But today, we’re

Breast Milk Protein Fights Cancer about false


Breast Milk Protein Fights Cancer

A specialized protein originally discovered in human breast milk, as well as the milk made by every other mammal on earth, has now been shown to produce a wide array of health benefits.Most

Why Does Your Risk of Cancer Increase with Age? about false


Why Does Your Risk of Cancer Increase with Age?

It’s common knowledge that older folks are more susceptible to most illnesses from colds to cancers, and tend to take far longer to recover. However, the reason why isn’t often addressed.Most of us

Potent Immune Booster Helping COVID-19 Patients Could be an Answer for Cancer about false


Potent Immune Booster Helping COVID-19 Patients Could be an Answer for Cancer

A controversial therapy being tested in the Ukraine on hospitalized patients with COVID-19 is surprising doctors.This treatment cut the need for supplemental oxygen, reduced time to recovery,

Tangy Berries Turn Up Your Body’s Natural Cancer-Fighting Power about false


Tangy Berries Turn Up Your Body’s Natural Cancer-Fighting Power

An often forgotten orange berry with a tart, tangy taste has been used in natural medicine for thousands of years—dating all the way back to Genghis Khan.This berry is believed to promote better

Plant-Based Cancer Drug: The Healing Power We’ve Been Waiting For? about false


Plant-Based Cancer Drug: The Healing Power We’ve Been Waiting For?

There’s a lot of talk about plant-based diets these days. Add to that the hundreds of research studies that demonstrate the remarkable healing properties of plants without any dangerous side

Ancient Mountain Herb Used by Astronauts Contains Unique Anti-Cancer Properties about false


Ancient Mountain Herb Used by Astronauts Contains Unique Anti-Cancer Properties

People living in the Altai Mountains in Siberia so valued an herb for increasing energy and stamina that it became well-regarded across the Soviet Union in the 1940’s.Eventually, the Soviets supplied

These Grains Pack a Big Punch Against Colon Cancer about false


These Grains Pack a Big Punch Against Colon Cancer

There’s one single group of foods that gives you a massive dose of some of the most important cancer-fighting nutrients, especially when it comes to preventing colon cancer.Best of all, eating foods

Micronutrient Fights Cancer--When You Use it the Right Way about false


Micronutrient Fights Cancer--When You Use it the Right Way

This micronutrient plays a key role in fighting cancer and other degenerative diseases associated with aging. That part’s actually not new. Researchers have known this much for decades, but only

This “Meaty” Nutrient Can Disrupt Cancer about false


This “Meaty” Nutrient Can Disrupt Cancer

Discovered more than a hundred years ago in Russia, this nutrient is part of the dipeptide family, meaning it’s composed of two amino acids.It's found in most types of meat and can be manufactured in

Next Generation Blood Test May Hold 
the Key to Detecting Cancer at its Earliest about false


Next Generation Blood Test May Hold 
the Key to Detecting Cancer at its Earliest

Cancer researchers in the United Kingdom are anticipating the start of a new clinical trial of a blood test that can detect more than 50 tumor types at a very early stage.The test, called Galleri, is

The Forgotten Drug That Can
 Send Cancer Into Remission about false


The Forgotten Drug That Can
 Send Cancer Into Remission

Drugs usually get a bad rap by those who promote natural therapies.Often their poor reputation is well deserved, but it's unfair to paint them all with the same brush. Some drugs are very useful and

Indian "Spice of Life" Knocks Out Chronic Disease about false


Indian "Spice of Life" Knocks Out Chronic Disease

In India, it’s called “Indian saffron” because of its bright yellow color.This seasoning has also been dubbed the “Spice of Life” and has a rich history of medicinal use in both Indian Ayurvedic

Opioids and Cancer: A Complicated Danger about false


Opioids and Cancer: A Complicated Danger

There’s no question that Americans take too many opioids. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of news reports about our epidemic of addiction to these drugs and the dangers of overdosing.But there are other

Contaminated Vaccine from Sixty Years Ago
 Still Causing Cancer Today about false


Contaminated Vaccine from Sixty Years Ago
 Still Causing Cancer Today

Today, many of us fear the effects of the virus COVID-19, but in the middle of the 20th century, it was polio that was one of the most feared viral diseases.As with COVID-19 today, frantic research

If the Pandemic Put the Brakes on Your Prostatectomy, That Might Not
 be a Bad Thing… about false


If the Pandemic Put the Brakes on Your Prostatectomy, That Might Not
 be a Bad Thing…

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a major disruption of cancer care that translates into delayed diagnoses and treatment, disrupted clinical trials, and a healthcare system that has been

Ancient Egyptian Medicine Could Help Treat
 Everything from Cancer to COVID about false


Ancient Egyptian Medicine Could Help Treat
 Everything from Cancer to COVID

It’s fitting that if today’s medical researchers are going to investigate ancient herbal remedies, why not focus on one that’s been considered fit for a king?I’m talking about the seeds of the spice

This Top-Five Industrial Chemical is 
Practically Everywhere about false


This Top-Five Industrial Chemical is 
Practically Everywhere

It’s likely that you come into contact with this type of chemical every day. And that’s not a good thing.Science shows it can disrupt your hormones, wreck your thyroid, raise cholesterol levels, make

Are Your Houseplants 
Really Purifying Your Air? about false


Are Your Houseplants 
Really Purifying Your Air?

With so many people staying home these days, it makes sense that there’s increased interest in healthy living spaces.That’s led people to renew their interest in houseplants, both for décor and as a

Hard Time Losing Weight? 
This Could be the Reason… about false


Hard Time Losing Weight? 
This Could be the Reason…

It’s a sad habit of our culture to blame overweight people for eating too much. While obesity is no doubt the result of overeating, there’s another, lesser-known reason behind weight gain.The science

The “Fear of Finding Out”
 Can Result in Advanced Cancer about false


The “Fear of Finding Out”
 Can Result in Advanced Cancer

The three people you’re about to meet couldn’t be more different. One is a veteran BBC broadcaster. Another is a Scottish hair extension technician. A third is an actress.They have differences in

Testing Breakthrough in
 Diagnosing Prostate Cancer about false


Testing Breakthrough in
 Diagnosing Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men as well as the second leading cause of cancer-related death among males.Although researchers have learned a lot about prostate cancer in the

The Overlooked Grocery Store Superfood
 You Can Easily Grow Yourself! about false


The Overlooked Grocery Store Superfood
 You Can Easily Grow Yourself!

Move over, broccoli, there’s another superfood vying for top dibs as a cancer-fighting powerhouse.With many times the nutrients and far more nutritional bioavailability than broccoli, this superfood

Coffee: "Wonderful Natural Medicine"
 or Trigger for Cancer? about false


Coffee: "Wonderful Natural Medicine"
 or Trigger for Cancer?

Back in the 1980s drinking coffee was linked to cancers of the bladder, colon, ovary and pancreas. Some speculated it was a risk factor for breast cancer as well.But by 2016, the International Agency

COVID Lockdowns Put
 Cancer Patients in Danger about false


COVID Lockdowns Put
 Cancer Patients in Danger

"I know of one patient with colon cancer — a condition that is reassuringly curable in its early stages — whose operation has been continually delayed because of COVID pressures. Sadly, the cancer

Why Does Your Immune System
 Struggle to Fight Cancer? about false


Why Does Your Immune System
 Struggle to Fight Cancer?

One of the most vexing things about cancer is that your immune system can fight cancer provided it can see it. But often times, your immune cells just can’t see the growing tumor.Cancer cells have an

India’s Cancer-Fighting Herb Can Help Treat and Prevent Cancer about false


India’s Cancer-Fighting Herb Can Help Treat and Prevent Cancer

Treatments used for millennia often pique my interest, because in many cases, they’re as good as their golden reputations. Even without a stack of scientific studies, anything that’s helped people

Your Heart is Virtually Immune to Cancer. Here’s Why… about false


Your Heart is Virtually Immune to Cancer. Here’s Why…

If you get cancer of the heart this year, chances are, you’ll be the only one.The Mayo Clinic sees only one solitary patient a year with heart cancer. That's because this form of cancer only affects

Popular Fruit Fights Cancer… But We’re Throwing Out the Most Important Part about false


Popular Fruit Fights Cancer… But We’re Throwing Out the Most Important Part

At breakfast tables across the nation millions enjoy a glass of orange juice with their eggs and toast each morning.Everyone knows oranges are chock full of vitamin C. So are grapefruits—another

Six Ways to Become a Partner in Your Cancer Care about false


Six Ways to Become a Partner in Your Cancer Care

If you’re diagnosed with cancer, one of the hardest challenges – along with so many others – is to take charge of your own care and make your own decisions about your treatment.Many doctors – I might

Sugar and an Anti-Cancer Lifestyle Don’t Mix about false


Sugar and an Anti-Cancer Lifestyle Don’t Mix

Sugar, for as much pleasure as it gives us, has become a source of uncertainty and fear for many people battling cancer. And that’s because of the commonly cited evidence that sugar feeds

Ancient “Drumstick” Tree Contains Rare Cancer-Fighting Compounds about false


Ancient “Drumstick” Tree Contains Rare Cancer-Fighting Compounds

A tree affectionately called the “drumstick” tree in Asia has been shown to contain a stunning array of helpful natural chemicals that can protect human health. Among them are cancer-fighting

Delicious Brazilian Fruit Packs a Powerful Anti-Cancer Punch about false


Delicious Brazilian Fruit Packs a Powerful Anti-Cancer Punch

Over the last two decades scientists have uncovered widespread health benefits in a dark purple fruit that’s beloved in Brazil.The fruit is called Euterpe oleracea Mart, but is more popularly known

How to Relieve Stress and Fight Cancer about false


How to Relieve Stress and Fight Cancer

A good number of people during the global coronavirus pandemic don’t have a rosy outlook on the world.In June of 2020, the CDC surveyed 5,412 people and found 31 percent of them reported symptoms of

Natural Breakthrough in Pain Care Most Cancer Patients Don’t Hear About about false


Natural Breakthrough in Pain Care Most Cancer Patients Don’t Hear About

Having cancer doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily have pain. Nor is the amount of pain you feel always related to how advanced your cancer is. Some people with cancer experience little pain, while others

How Ancient, “Useless” DNA Wipes Out Cancer about false


How Ancient, “Useless” DNA Wipes Out Cancer

Our genetic material – DNA – embedded in every cell of the body is a complex collection of genes that scientists have been trying to decipher for decades.Now cancer researchers have uncovered ancient

This May be the Easiest Remedy to Prevent-- and Even Treat-- Cancer about false


This May be the Easiest Remedy to Prevent-- and Even Treat-- Cancer

For decades, scientists have spent billions of dollars searching for new treatments for cancer.And yet one of the simplest, healthiest, most affordable ways to help prevent cancer remains overlooked,

Are Supplements Better Than Food in the Fight Against Cancer? about false


Are Supplements Better Than Food in the Fight Against Cancer?

We live in an age of convenience and a culture where people are busy and looking for ways to cut corners on homemaking chores. Yet, when it comes to food that strengthens your body and protects

New Ultrasound Treatment Kills Cancer, Not Healthy Cells about false


New Ultrasound Treatment Kills Cancer, Not Healthy Cells

If you’re like most people, you associate the word “ultrasound” with pregnancy and the ability to examine a baby in the womb or determine its gender.This practice, called fetal imaging, is one of the

Powerful Protection Against Cancer from a Spice Worth its Weight in Gold about false


Powerful Protection Against Cancer from a Spice Worth its Weight in Gold

For thousands of years, spices have been used as food preservatives, culinary delights and medicines.During Roman and Medieval times, spices were considered valuable, but cloves were among the rarest

New Flower Formula Succeeds in Treating a Variety of Cancers about false


New Flower Formula Succeeds in Treating a Variety of Cancers

Since ancient times, people living in the Middle East have treasured one species of lily for both its culinary and medicinal properties.Today, the black calla lily is the most popular complementary

12 Natural Ways to Boost Your Testosterone about false


12 Natural Ways to Boost Your Testosterone

Testosterone replacement therapy is exploding in popularity for men. Many who take it report more energy, a better sex drive, higher quality sleep, and a more positive outlook on life.But you don’t

The Overlooked Vitamin Deficiency That Can Lead to Cancer about false


The Overlooked Vitamin Deficiency That Can Lead to Cancer

This little-known vitamin plays a key role in your good health and is critical for stopping numerous diseases, including cancer.However, unless you’re supplementing with vitamin K, you probably

Fountain of Youth or Funnel for Prostate Cancer? about false


Fountain of Youth or Funnel for Prostate Cancer?

Millions of American men now get regular doses of testosterone, enticed by the promise that they’ll feel more energetic, alert, confident, mentally sharp, and sexually functional. And many of them do

The Cancer Treatment Hiding in Your Kitchen about false


The Cancer Treatment Hiding in Your Kitchen

The old kitchen staple baking soda has long been praised for its powers to clean, disinfect bacteria and remove odors in the kitchen. It can also help brighten your laundry, even whiten your teeth

How to Challenge the Immune System to Beat Cancer and Infections about false


How to Challenge the Immune System to Beat Cancer and Infections

Decades before COVID-19, health conscious consumers knew the value of food products and supplements that could improve immunity and protect against pathogens, environmental threats and cancer.Once

The Common Cucumber’s Cancer-Fighting Super Nutrients about false


The Common Cucumber’s Cancer-Fighting Super Nutrients

While you’ve probably never heard of a class of phytonutrients found in nature called cucurbitacins, if you’ve ever eaten a cucumber you’ve tasted their bitter flavor.Despite not being widely known

The “Health Food” You Should Consider Staying Away From about false


The “Health Food” You Should Consider Staying Away From

Many say it’s the future of meat. Meat that’s not really meat at all, but meat alternative.In the past couple years, “fake meat” products like Beyond Meat began gracing the meat section of more than

Easy, At-Home Tips to Fight Cancer and Breathe Better about false


Easy, At-Home Tips to Fight Cancer and Breathe Better

While it’s pretty obvious these days that the air we breathe contains loads of hidden cancer-causing toxins, what’s not as readily discussed is how you avoid them, especially when certain products,

How the “Mushroom of Immortality” Helps Fight Cancer about false


How the “Mushroom of Immortality” Helps Fight Cancer

In Asia, it’s known as the "mushroom of immortality," or the "mushroom of spiritual potency." It's better known in the United States by its Japanese name, reishi, and in China it's called lingzhi.For

Juicing for Cancer Prevention and Treatment about false


Juicing for Cancer Prevention and Treatment

The vibrant hues of fresh juices have captured consumer attention over recent years, not to mention a pretty substantial share of the health foods market. From juice bars to grocery store shelves

How Gum Disease Can Spread Cancer All Over Your Body about false


How Gum Disease Can Spread Cancer All Over Your Body

Gum disease isn't just bad news for your teeth, but for your entire body.As the Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr. Nigel Carter, explains, "The link between oral health and

Four Ways to Keep Cancer from Doing You In about false


Four Ways to Keep Cancer from Doing You In

This year it’s estimated that more than 606,000 Americans will die of cancer. That’s more than 11,000 a week!1So deciding to follow healthy, anti-cancer lifestyle practices is critical if you want to

Will COVID-19 Harm Your Cancer Recovery? about false


Will COVID-19 Harm Your Cancer Recovery?

Physician surveys and anecdotal reports suggest dramatic declines in cancer patients seeking medical care since the coronavirus pandemic began.A July 2020 study in the journal JCO Clinical Cancer

Bee Venom Takes the Sting Out of Cancer about false


Bee Venom Takes the Sting Out of Cancer

Bee sting therapy dates back thousands of years. It’s often been used to treat joint pain and arthritis.As you might expect, bee sting therapy involves being stung by bees, and while it’s certainly

What Really Causes Cancer? A New Book Takes Aim at a Well-known Theory about false


What Really Causes Cancer? A New Book Takes Aim at a Well-known Theory

Is cancer as mysterious and deadly as mainstream medical authorities think?The official position of the cancer establishment is that cancer is a “genetic” disease. Mainstream cancer experts usually

The Powerful Cancer-Killer in Breast Milk about false


The Powerful Cancer-Killer in Breast Milk

25 years ago, a Swedish microbiologist peered into a microscope to investigate how different components in breast milk fight bacteria-infected cells.After some study, the scientist replaced the

Successful Chemotherapy - It's All a Matter of Timing about false


Successful Chemotherapy - It's All a Matter of Timing

It's best known for the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. But its importance stretches much, much further.Our circadian rhythm, or body clock, is linked to our mental health, heart function, immune

Forget Invasive Biopsies – these Emerging Tests are Far Superior about false


Forget Invasive Biopsies – these Emerging Tests are Far Superior

Forget invasive and painful biopsies with frustratingly long wait times for the result.Finding out if you have cancer could soon be as simple as waiting for a ten-minute blood test. This

The Tiny New “It” Food for Cancer and Disease Prevention about false


The Tiny New “It” Food for Cancer and Disease Prevention

These days, if you wander around your local farmer’s market you’re bound to see at least one table, if not five more, filled with colorful microgreens.Microgreens are simply very young plants,

Cancer-Fighting Super Fruit Stuns Scientists about false


Cancer-Fighting Super Fruit Stuns Scientists

A tropical fruit that’s been attracting serious attention as a cancer fighter once again proves that foods can be powerful medicine against cancer.This fruit from the graviola plant has been used in

Could this Marine Nutrient Explain the Low Incidence of Cancer in Japan? about false


Could this Marine Nutrient Explain the Low Incidence of Cancer in Japan?

Most of us who have ever seen a heap of slimy green-brown plant matter washed up on a beach didn’t care much for the look of it, let alone think of eating it.And yet that’s exactly what people in

Traditional Christmas Plant Packs a Cancer-Killing Punch about false


Traditional Christmas Plant Packs a Cancer-Killing Punch

Legend has it that kissing under mistletoe at Christmas time is good luck. And refusing a kiss means bad luck is sure to find you. The Druids who came up with this stuff don’t leave you a lot of

The Superfood that Stops and Prevents Cancer about false


The Superfood that Stops and Prevents Cancer

I’ve written before about the intriguing health benefits of the phytochemical, sulforaphane.This remarkable nutrient continues to lead the charge as one of the greatest natural ways to fight cancer

Talcum Powder and Cancer Risk about false


Talcum Powder and Cancer Risk

If you’ve ever used baby powder or body powder to stay dry, absorb oils, and eliminate chafing anywhere on the body, I’ve got some important news.This past May, multinational corporation Johnson

This New Health Fad Really Does Work Against Cancer about false


This New Health Fad Really Does Work Against Cancer

This tropical fruit boasts a myriad of nutrients and one heck of a long list of health benefits. But perhaps most surprising, many people don’t realize the avocado is even a fruit! Yes, the avocado

Can Selenium Protect Us Against Cancer? about false


Can Selenium Protect Us Against Cancer?

Before October 2008, selenium supplements were flying off health store shelves. The science seemed settled. Selenium protects you against cancer.But then came startling news...A major human trial

New Way to Supercharge the Immune System to Kill Cancer Cells about false


New Way to Supercharge the Immune System to Kill Cancer Cells

Natural killer (NK) cells are immune cells that fight off infections and destroy cancer cells.Obviously, these cells don’t always do their job effectively, otherwise viruses would never make us sick

The Healthiest Foods for Fighting Breast Cancer about false


The Healthiest Foods for Fighting Breast Cancer

Some of the most common online searches on the topic of breast cancer ask the search engine gods to tell us which foods might help us beat the disease: Is it better to eat high fiber? Low fat? No

How to Safely Protect Against Skin Cancer in the Summer Sun about false


How to Safely Protect Against Skin Cancer in the Summer Sun

It’s the ultimate summer paradox. You wait eight or nine months to finally enjoy the great outdoors. Then, you’re forced to choose: you can expose yourself to too much sun and a risk of skin cancer,

The Good News about How Vitamin D Fights Cancer Just Got Better about false


The Good News about How Vitamin D Fights Cancer Just Got Better

Interest in how vitamin D helps the body resist cancer has generated a large number of studies in recent years. That’s why I’ve often reported on this critical nutrient.And now, an exhaustive review

Ancient Pain Remedy Resurrected for Treating Cancer about false


Ancient Pain Remedy Resurrected for Treating Cancer

Salicin was isolated from the bark of the willow tree in 1897 and turned into acetylsalicytate, or aspirin, as it’s better known today.By 1950, aspirin had become the most frequently sold painkilling

New Studies on Stress Could Lead to New Cancer Treatments about false


New Studies on Stress Could Lead to New Cancer Treatments

The fact that chronic stress causes health problems is a well-known medical truth.Over and over again, researchers have analyzed how stress can make you more vulnerable to cancer and heart disease,

This Unique Sea Animal has a Secret to Combat Cancer about false


This Unique Sea Animal has a Secret to Combat Cancer

Science classifies this ocean discovery as an animal, yet this animal doesn't have a head, arms or even any internal organs. In fact, this animal lives on the ocean floor and stays in one place

“How Not to Die” You Can Save Yourself from Today’s Top Killers about false


“How Not to Die” You Can Save Yourself from Today’s Top Killers

Dr. Michael Greger’s journey into medicine began with his grandmother.When he was still a young boy, doctors diagnosed her with terminal heart disease and gave her weeks to live. Her life seemed to

Using Vitamin C and the Right Foods to Treat Aggressive Cancer about false


Using Vitamin C and the Right Foods to Treat Aggressive Cancer

Researchers say they now have new evidence that it’s possible to treat certain cancers with a change in diet and the use of vitamin C—a claim that alternative doctors have been making for decades,

Breathing “Oil Molecules” Provides New Help for Cancer Patients about false


Breathing “Oil Molecules” Provides New Help for Cancer Patients

The proverb “Stop and smell the roses” takes on new meaning for anyone fighting the effects of an illness, including cancer. But I’m not talking about slowing down and savoring the little things in

Does This High-Tech Prostate Cancer Therapy Actually Live Up to Its Promise? about false


Does This High-Tech Prostate Cancer Therapy Actually Live Up to Its Promise?

Men diagnosed with prostate cancer face an ever-increasing choice of treatment options. The latest one claims to be a cutting-edge alternative treatment that uses proton beams.While these proton

B Vitamin Fights Skin Cancer, Brain Tumors and More about false


B Vitamin Fights Skin Cancer, Brain Tumors and More

During the first half of the twentieth century, one illness killed over 100,000 Americans.Thankfully, scientists found a cure by using brewer's yeast. Later, they identified the active ingredient in

Brand-New Tumor Fighter Found in Rainforest Berry about false


Brand-New Tumor Fighter Found in Rainforest Berry

In the northeastern rainforest of Queensland, Australia, grows the little-known blushwood tree (Fontaineapicrosperma). On its branches sits a plumpish berry that may just be one of the mightiest

Cancer Treatment Now Costs $1 Million—the Disturbing Reasons Why about false


Cancer Treatment Now Costs $1 Million—the Disturbing Reasons Why

by Andrew ScholbergEvery spring I send one of my reporters to the annual Annie Appleseed Cancer Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida to bring you a report on the latest treatments. This is the

Fighting Cancer with BioCare and Diet about false


Fighting Cancer with BioCare and Diet

by Andrew ScholbergEvery spring I send one of my reporters to the annual Annie Appleseed Cancer Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida to bring you a report on the latest treatments. This is the

Amazon Rainforest’s Cancer-fighting Vitamin E about false


Amazon Rainforest’s Cancer-fighting Vitamin E

by Andrew ScholbergEvery spring I send one of my reporters to the annual Annie Appleseed Cancer Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida to bring you a report on the latest treatments. This is the

Pink-Producing Micro Marine Antioxidant Fights Cancer about false


Pink-Producing Micro Marine Antioxidant Fights Cancer

From salmon and shrimp, to lobsters and flamingos, these animals all have one, very obvious trait in common: they share bright red and pink colors.The reason for their bright, beautiful coloring is

Easy and Effective Cancer Screening Finds Other Illnesses, Too about false


Easy and Effective Cancer Screening Finds Other Illnesses, Too

Imagine if you could see what’s going on inside your body. What if you knew if you had cancer, an increased risk of stroke, gastrointestinal problems, nerve damage, arthritis or even migraines?And

The Strangest Cancer Cure You’ve Never Heard of about false


The Strangest Cancer Cure You’ve Never Heard of

by Andrew ScholbergEvery spring I send one of my talented reporters to the annual Annie Appleseed Cancer Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida to bring you a report on the latest treatments. This is

Cancer Breakthrough with Medical Ozone about false


Cancer Breakthrough with Medical Ozone

by Andrew ScholbergEvery spring I send one of my reporters to the annual Annie Appleseed Cancer Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida to bring you a report on the latest treatments. This is the

Ancient Healers and Modern Scientists Harness Infections to Fight Cancer about false


Ancient Healers and Modern Scientists Harness Infections to Fight Cancer

The hottest topic in conventional cancer research today is immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a biological therapy that harnesses your own immune system to fight cancer. But the truth is, this form of

One Cheap Little Pill Can Reduce Your Cancer Risk about false


One Cheap Little Pill Can Reduce Your Cancer Risk

Research now shows that taking a small daily dose of one over-the-counter pill can significantly reduce your risk of cancer.Researchers believe this pain-killing medication -- readily available in

Are Today’s Farms Covering Your Vegetables with Carcinogens? about false


Are Today’s Farms Covering Your Vegetables with Carcinogens?

As if coronavirus germs aren’t enough to give you pause at the grocery store, there’s something else you need to know about.New research reveals cancer-causing carcinogens are making their way into

The Surprising Role Your Mind Plays in Causing - and Healing - Cancer about false


The Surprising Role Your Mind Plays in Causing - and Healing - Cancer

Nothing altered this doctor’s brilliant medical career the way one traumatic event did…In 1978, Dr. Ryke Hamer’s youngest son suffered a gunshot wound in a tragic accident. He died from complications

When Cancer Mysteriously Disappears about false


When Cancer Mysteriously Disappears

Without treatment, even when cancer is in its late stages, tumors can inexplicably shrink and disappear. Miraculously, the patient makes a complete recovery.This extraordinary phenomenon is called

Ancient Remedy Holds New Hope for Cancer Patients about false


Ancient Remedy Holds New Hope for Cancer Patients

While conventional medicine continues to pour billions of dollars into synthetic drug discoveries that are laden with dangerous side effects, nature already provides some of medicine’s most potent

The Keto Diet Fad and Cancer about false


The Keto Diet Fad and Cancer

Do you remember those “easy button” commercials for an office supply store from several years back? Any time someone had a problem all they had to do was press that button and the perfect solution

The Little Berry with Big Anti-Cancer Benefits about false


The Little Berry with Big Anti-Cancer Benefits

A little berry that’s sold in most supermarkets is a must-have for anyone trying to lower their risk of cancer.Not surprisingly, this fruit has become a big player in studies investigating ways to

Cancer Protection Found in Soaps and Detergents? Surely Not about false


Cancer Protection Found in Soaps and Detergents? Surely Not

Can I interest you in eating chemicals used in the production of soap, shampoo, liquid detergent, toothpaste, oral contraceptives and veterinary vaccines?No, I thought not.But what if I told you the

Vaccine Skeptics Have Their Say about false


Vaccine Skeptics Have Their Say

by Andrew ScholbergThis is the second of two reports on Ty Bollinger's 2019 “The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” conference at the Hilton Hotel in Anaheim, California. Again, a reminder that the views and

How One Doctor Beat the Odds Against a Brain Tumor about false


How One Doctor Beat the Odds Against a Brain Tumor

Neuroscientist David Servan-Schreiber had scheduled a test of brain scanning equipment necessary for his medical practice. When his test subject didn’t show up, he volunteered to undergo the scan

Vaccinations, Immunity, and Cancer about false


Vaccinations, Immunity, and Cancer

This is the first of two reports about Ty Bollinger's 2019 “The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” conference at the Hilton Hotel in Anaheim, California. Andrew Scholberg is a longtime associate of Cancer

Grapes Offer More Than Heart Help -- They Also Keep You Safe from Cancer about false


Grapes Offer More Than Heart Help -- They Also Keep You Safe from Cancer

In spite of their love for fatty cheese and cured pork sticks, the French have relatively low levels of coronary heart disease.Researchers discovered this shocking contradiction in the 1980s, and it

The Most Important Mineral for Fighting off Cancer and Viruses about false


The Most Important Mineral for Fighting off Cancer and Viruses

Your main defense against cancer is your immune system. And the immune cells responsible for going after cancer cells depend on one particular mineral that is vital to this mission.This mineral is so

Boost Your Immune System to Fight Cancer… and Coronavirus about false


Boost Your Immune System to Fight Cancer… and Coronavirus

Coronavirus is stealing all the headlines at the moment. But cancer is still a far greater threat, with a much worse mortality rate.Strengthen your immune system and you’ll reduce your risk of almost

A British Entrepreneur's Blood May Unlock the Door to a Universal Cancer Cure about false


A British Entrepreneur's Blood May Unlock the Door to a Universal Cancer Cure

James Hull should have died years ago. Doctors diagnosed him with a very aggressive form of bowel cancer that spread to his lymph nodes. If that wasn’t enough bad news, doctors also found cancer in



Cancer Secrets from an Integrative Oncologist

Cancer is a confounding, terrifying, and mysterious disease.It’s not given to simple answers. Which is why you never want to jump into (or be coerced into) a one-size-fits-all protocol.And it’s

Beware of Carcinogens in Your Car about false


Beware of Carcinogens in Your Car

The modern automobile is an engineering wonder. But beneath the benefits of getting to your destination in ease and comfort, a hidden cancer risk is at work.Every time you get into your car, you

Cancer-Causing Plastics Hidden in Your Food… (and what you can do about it!) about false


Cancer-Causing Plastics Hidden in Your Food… (and what you can do about it!)

Most people don’t think of plastic as something they eat on a regular basis.But most people would be wrong. Sobering research from the journal Environmental Science & Technology shows Americans

This Common Household Chemical Might Be More Dangerous Than First Thought about false


This Common Household Chemical Might Be More Dangerous Than First Thought

When the FDA and EPA assessed the danger of the common household chemical bisphenol A (BPA), they concluded that it’s safe at the usual levels adults are exposed to.Trouble is, a new, more accurate

Dynamic “Green Team” Makes Lethal Breast Cancer Treatable about false


Dynamic “Green Team” Makes Lethal Breast Cancer Treatable

It’s no secret that eating your veggies is good for you, and that it improves your overall health. That’s why I often write about how vegetables and plant-based foods improve your immune system and

You Can “Treat Yourself” with This Free Cancer-Fighting Therapy about false


You Can “Treat Yourself” with This Free Cancer-Fighting Therapy

Babies do this by the time they’re three months old. Kids do it up to 100 times per day.But as adults, we seem to lose our ability and some of us go days without doing it even once. I’m talking about

The Disease-Fighting Food Pyramid We’ve All Been Waiting For about false


The Disease-Fighting Food Pyramid We’ve All Been Waiting For

With all the chatter these days about plant-based foods being your best source of nutrition and the smartest way to stave off disease, it’s natural to wonder just how much is enough – especially for

Ayurvedic Medicine’s Powerful Anti-Cancer Fruit about false


Ayurvedic Medicine’s Powerful Anti-Cancer Fruit

One greenish-yellow berry that’s been a part of Ayurvedic medicine in India for 5000 years is finally catching the attention of modern medical researchers. Studies show this small berry contains 20

Can Your Clothes Give You Cancer? about false


Can Your Clothes Give You Cancer?

A Thousand IssuesBefore we get to today’s story, I want to mention an important milestone: This is issue #1000 of Cancer Defeated. We started publishing this newsletter in late 2009 – it came out

What Can Your Hair Tell You About Your Cancer Risk? More than You Might Think… about false


What Can Your Hair Tell You About Your Cancer Risk? More than You Might Think…

Is your hair care regimen leading to unintended health consequences?According to a new study published in December 2019, the answer may be yes.The study found that products used to dye and straighten

Control This Blood Fat to Shrink Your Cancer Risk about false


Control This Blood Fat to Shrink Your Cancer Risk

While many of us obsess over our cholesterol levels, few are aware of a blood fat circulating through the body that is much more significant for our health.As I’ve often pointed out, your cholesterol

One Cancer Warning Not to Take Seriously about false


One Cancer Warning Not to Take Seriously

There are good reasons to worry about cancer and carcinogens. Toxic pollutants linked to cancer are often in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. So, in theory, it sounds like

Treating and Preventing Cancer with Dragon's Eye about false


Treating and Preventing Cancer with Dragon's Eye

Slice into the yellow-brown skin of this small fruit and you’ll find milky-white, almost translucent flesh, and a shiny black pit. Because of its appearance, the Chinese call this fruit Dragon's Eye,

“Wave” Therapy Successfully Stops Late Stage Cancers about false


“Wave” Therapy Successfully Stops Late Stage Cancers

Conventional cancer treatments focus on removing or killing cancer cells at individual “cancer sites.”Trouble is, cancer is a systemic or “whole body” disease. It involves your digestion and nutrient

Olive Oil: The New Enemy of Cancer about false


Olive Oil: The New Enemy of Cancer

If you’re concerned about your cancer risk, chemical warfare may be your best insurance policy.Of course, I’m talking about natural chemical warfare. Natural chemicals, sometimes called

The Forgotten Omega-3 Titan of Cancer-Fighting Nutrition about false


The Forgotten Omega-3 Titan of Cancer-Fighting Nutrition

The fact that omega-3’s are good for your body is well-known. And when you think of omega-3’s, like most people, you probably think of fish or fish oil.But there’s another source of omega-3’s to

“Tiny Trees” that Take Out Tumors about false


“Tiny Trees” that Take Out Tumors

You can find some of the most powerful cancer-fighting compounds around in fresh vegetables. And one vegetable in particular contains a potent compound that triggers your body’s natural tumor defense

Why You Need to Eat More of This Cancer-Fighting Fat about false


Why You Need to Eat More of This Cancer-Fighting Fat

Your body comes equipped with natural defenses to fight off cancer. However, if your foods and supplements don’t supply the right raw materials to support these defenses, your immune system can’t

Does Fragrance in Laundry Products Cause Cancer? about false


Does Fragrance in Laundry Products Cause Cancer?

Many people like their clean laundry to smell good – but have you ever considered the health cost of those fresh “spring garden” and “island breeze” scents?Scented laundry detergent and dryer sheets

The Surprising Cancer-Fighting Benefits of a Forgotten Vegetable (And How to Maximize Them) about false


The Surprising Cancer-Fighting Benefits of a Forgotten Vegetable (And How to Maximize Them)

With all the lip service given to plant-based diets these days, it’s easy to think all vegetables have similar health benefits. But there’s an entire class of vegetables, known as root vegetables,

Fighting Cancer with Food about false


Fighting Cancer with Food

For quite a while, there’s been hope that starving cancer cells of sugar fights malignancies of all kinds.This is because many cancer cells feed on sugar. The keto diet, which limits sugary foods and

Why Are Elephants So “Immune” to Cancer? about false


Why Are Elephants So “Immune” to Cancer?

This baffling discrepancy has confounded scientists for decades: Elephants have 100 times as many cells as humans do, yet their chance of dying from cancer is far lower than ours – just five percent

The Most Lovable Cancer Detector Ever about false


The Most Lovable Cancer Detector Ever

Dogs have long been called “man’s best friend.” Now, there may be a new reason to honor them with that distinction. A number of studies point to dogs’ uncanny ability to detect cancer.But how

Does 'Safe' Drinking Water Pose a Cancer Risk? about false


Does 'Safe' Drinking Water Pose a Cancer Risk?

Dioxane, a “likely human carcinogen,” was detected in 80 water systems across New Jersey.Haloacetic acids surged in Concord, North Carolina affecting the drinking water of 35,000 people.These are

Cholesterol and Cancer: Murky, Perhaps Dangerous, Connections about false


Cholesterol and Cancer: Murky, Perhaps Dangerous, Connections

I have met quite a few people who brag about their low cholesterol as though the results of a blood test showing low cholesterol numbers is a sure sign of good health.Truth is, researchers are still

Secrets to a Cancer-Free Life Hidden in Plants about false


Secrets to a Cancer-Free Life Hidden in Plants

The message has been drummed into us since 2003, when the World Health Organization launched its “Five-a-Day” campaign to encourage everyone to eat more fruits and vegetables.This was rebranded in

First-of-its-kind Liver Cancer Cure Offers New Hope to Terminal Patients about false


First-of-its-kind Liver Cancer Cure Offers New Hope to Terminal Patients

Imagine getting diagnosed with liver cancer and needing an organ transplant to save your life… yet the only transplanted organ available tests positive for a potentially crippling disease that could

An “Incurable” Cancer Cured… And You’ll Never Guess How about false


An “Incurable” Cancer Cured… And You’ll Never Guess How

“I have witnessed an extraordinary patient who achieved a clinical response through non-conventional treatment approaches.”~ Lee M. Nadler, MD, Harvard Medical SchoolHe defied the odds and stunned

Rare Australian Tree Hides a Powerful Tumor Destroyer about false


Rare Australian Tree Hides a Powerful Tumor Destroyer

In the far northeastern tip of Queensland, Australia, lies an area of rainforest called the Atherton Tablelands.Among the many geological wonders, spectacular waterfalls, and rich variety of

Meat: Is it bad for your health or not? about false


Meat: Is it bad for your health or not?

One of the biggest health questions in current culture is whether to eat meat, especially with increasing worldwide calls to eat less meat to reduce stress on the environment. Raising livestock takes

Bodybuilder Supplement Packs a Big Punch Against Cancer about false


Bodybuilder Supplement Packs a Big Punch Against Cancer

Sometimes medical researchers find a natural cancer treatment in an unexpected place.Think about this: Research into a nutrient touted by bodybuilders and other athletes for pumping up muscles has

Hypnosis Remedy is Fun, Easy, and Curbs the Most Vicious Cancer Symptoms about false


Hypnosis Remedy is Fun, Easy, and Curbs the Most Vicious Cancer Symptoms

When most people hear the word hypnotist, they immediately think of a sketchy stage performer swinging a pocket watch back and forth while chanting, “You are getting very sleepy…”The reality of

What’s the Best Cancer Fighting Food? about false


What’s the Best Cancer Fighting Food?

(And How You Can Still Reap Its Rewards, Even If You Hate It)In 1990, George H. W. Bush – W’s dad – famously declared that he didn’t like broccoli and as President of the United States he was not

This Heart-Healthy Nutrient Can Also Fight Cancer about false


This Heart-Healthy Nutrient Can Also Fight Cancer

CoQ10 is well-known as a nutrient that helps support better heart health.It’s a powerful antioxidant that is used to help people with heart failure and improve their chances of living

The Stealth Cause of Cancer No One’s Even Looking For about false


The Stealth Cause of Cancer No One’s Even Looking For

If you have any condition you’ve sought help for – and still not gotten well despite doctors and medicines – you owe it to yourself to read this article and take action today.Researchers just found

Astounding News about Aspirin and Cancer about false


Astounding News about Aspirin and Cancer

The evidence for taking aspirin to prevent cancer has been building for decades. The US Preventive Task Force advises people in their 50s to take low-dose aspirin to prevent colorectal cancer.But can

Ann Tried Carrot Juice for Cancer… You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! about false


Ann Tried Carrot Juice for Cancer… You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!

What if you discovered that the most basic, mundane vegetable – available in stores and gardens everywhere – could hand cancer a serious setback, and maybe even keep your body cancer-free for

This Fruit Packs a Potent Punch Against Cancer about false


This Fruit Packs a Potent Punch Against Cancer

When I was growing up (back before the Civil War), strawberries were a special treat of early summer. Then it was over for another year.Nowadays you can get them year-round in supermarkets, although

Don’t Let Your Body Be Flooded with Cancer-Friendly Hormones about false


Don’t Let Your Body Be Flooded with Cancer-Friendly Hormones

One of the largest glands in your body may be releasing hormones that increase your risk for cancer right now – even as you read this. And chances are, you’re growing more of this glandular tissue

The Startling Cancer Therapy EVERY Patient Should Do about false


The Startling Cancer Therapy EVERY Patient Should Do

If you fall victim to cancer, there’s one surprising natural therapy that can help you fight tumors and improve the way you withstand the awful side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.That therapy

A Safe, Science-Based Way to Purge Metal Hazards from Your Body about false


A Safe, Science-Based Way to Purge Metal Hazards from Your Body

Your body needs small amounts of metals to survive and thrive. Metals like zinc, copper, chromium, iron, and manganese all help keep your systems balanced and able to perform crucial biological

Pixie Dust or Snake Oil? The Real Health Benefits of “Sour Wine” about false


Pixie Dust or Snake Oil? The Real Health Benefits of “Sour Wine”

“Sour wine,” or vinegar—apple cider vinegar in particular—has been touted as a virtual cure-all. You’ll find reports of apple cider vinegar improving vascular health and diabetes, curing the common

These Firefighters Have a Detoxing Secret You Can Use about false


These Firefighters Have a Detoxing Secret You Can Use

The risk of cancer may haunt us all, but in some professions that risk increases ten times over.Firefighters are one of these groups, due to regular exposure to dangerous toxins through the

The Cancer Therapy So Effective They “Had” to Ban It from America about false


The Cancer Therapy So Effective They “Had” to Ban It from America

They did it to protect you. Or so they said.Mind you, it’s a nutrient found in food that the FDA is “saving” you from!A nutrient that’s one of the most popular and best-established alternative cancer

The Truth Behind Curing Cancer with Carrot Juice and Crystals about false


The Truth Behind Curing Cancer with Carrot Juice and Crystals

Detoxing is quickly becoming a way of life in our modern world, as common as taking vitamins and putting on sunblock. The internet is full of every kind of regimen under the sun, from spicy drinks to

Ancient Explorer’s Survival Secret Fights Cancer about false


Ancient Explorer’s Survival Secret Fights Cancer

If you’re a history buff like I am, you might recall reading about French explorer Jacques Cartier. In 1534, he became the first European to travel deep into the interior of North America. Cartier

The Truth About Fried Foods and Cancer about false


The Truth About Fried Foods and Cancer

If you’re like me, you instinctively love the smell of frying food. The rich fragrance of French fries or fried chicken—oh, it makes me hungry just thinking about it!Interestingly though, researchers

“It’s Like Armor for Your Breasts” about false


“It’s Like Armor for Your Breasts”

As the number one cancer afflicting women in the U.S., breast cancer affects more than 300,000 women every year. Many sufferers must endure disfiguring breast surgeries, harsh radiation treatments,

Keeping Healthy and Preventing Cancer is All a Matter of Timing about false


Keeping Healthy and Preventing Cancer is All a Matter of Timing

Round the clock stimulation from screens and the light they emit. Late night TV. Inadequate amounts of sleep. Snacking at all hours.These and other lifestyle factors disrupt ancient, deeply ingrained

Can The Fruit of this Bushy Shrub Really Beat Back Cancer? about false


Can The Fruit of this Bushy Shrub Really Beat Back Cancer?

Appearances can be deceiving. The pomegranate shrub is not much to look at, but its fruit contains a wealth of nutrients for fighting cancer. According to some experts, it puts modern medicine to

Helps Cure the Blues Even When Your World Is Falling Apart about false


Helps Cure the Blues Even When Your World Is Falling Apart

A great many people suffer from depression these days, but if you’ve just been diagnosed with cancer, or you’re being treated for it, you’re in a category all your own.You could just about say

Don’t Miss This Important First Step to Cancer-Free Health about false


Don’t Miss This Important First Step to Cancer-Free Health

A lot of us know what we need to do to secure good health and stave off diseases like cancer. We all know we need to eat right, exercise, reduce stress, practice gratitude.But actually doing those

Simple Self-Help Therapy Reduces Visits to Doctors about false


Simple Self-Help Therapy Reduces Visits to Doctors

Today I’m going to talk about a unique therapy that lifts and empowers people who are sick, anxious, stressed, or depressed. According to some experts, it improves their outlook and quality of

Some Infections Boost Survival in Cancer Patients about false


Some Infections Boost Survival in Cancer Patients

Some viruses provoke a runny nose and sneezing. Nastier types can cause paralysis. At their most virulent, they can kill you.While viruses may be unpleasant, crippling and even deadly, they also have

New Electrical Therapy Zaps Cancer Cells to Death about false


New Electrical Therapy Zaps Cancer Cells to Death

Phillip Stricker, an Australian urologic oncologist says, "You can't underestimate the potential of this technology."And Boris Kuvshinoff from New York's Roswell Park Cancer Institute agrees that

The “Hulk” of Anticancer Beverages about false


The “Hulk” of Anticancer Beverages

Though it’s long been a staple in other countries, Americans rarely drank green tea until about 20 years ago. Most Americans had never even tasted it.We’re in the minority on this one, because

Are You “Surrounded” By This Disease-Maker Every Day? about false


Are You “Surrounded” By This Disease-Maker Every Day?

A few weeks ago we wrote about molds in food that may contribute to cancer. This issue is going to focus on airborne molds, which are actually an even greater threat.Many people who suffer from a

Popular Anti-Aging Supplement Attracts Mainstream Support about false


Popular Anti-Aging Supplement Attracts Mainstream Support

These days, it seems everyone is seeking the proverbial fountain of youth or an effective “anti-aging pill” to add years to their lives – and help them feel better and look younger, too.I have a dog

Tumor-Targeting Gut Bacteria “Turn Off” Melanoma about false


Tumor-Targeting Gut Bacteria “Turn Off” Melanoma

A funny thing is happening in the world of cancer treatment. It’s subtle. People who don’t read about cancer on a regular basis may not notice it.But ever so slowly, the pendulum on treatment is

This Berry has a Scary-Sounding Name, But It Helps Fight Cancer about false


This Berry has a Scary-Sounding Name, But It Helps Fight Cancer

Deadly nightshade is one of the most toxic plants, causing delirium, hallucinations, convulsions and possibly death to the unlucky soul who eats enough of it.Unfortunately, another plant is often

Overcome the Yuk Factor and Consider This Cancer Remedy about false


Overcome the Yuk Factor and Consider This Cancer Remedy

In the 1960s and ‘70s a popular and highly eccentric food scientist named Magnus Pyke was a regular on UK television.In one of his entertaining demonstrations he implored viewers to eat insects for

Sometimes We Say the Wrong Things To a Friend or Loved One with Cancer about false


Sometimes We Say the Wrong Things To a Friend or Loved One with Cancer

Nothing can make you tongue-tied faster than hearing from a friend or loved one that they’ve been diagnosed with cancer.And to ease our own discomfort, we sometimes say things that may do more harm

Beware of This Sneaky Carcinogen in Your Food about false


Beware of This Sneaky Carcinogen in Your Food

Every once in a while, the media stirs up concern about arsenic in our food and drinking water. But after a brief spate of headlines, the concern vanishes.But the problem doesn’t vanish, and you

Fruit Juices Not as Healthy as Most People Assume about false


Fruit Juices Not as Healthy as Most People Assume

In a world where people drink soda by the gallon (I used to know a woman who had a Coke for breakfast), fruit juice would seem to be the height of good sense. Just about the perfect health habit.And

Popular Ingredient in Natural Products Can Tackle Cancer, Too about false


Popular Ingredient in Natural Products Can Tackle Cancer, Too

During the past decade, medical researchers have finally begun waking up to the fact that a plant used in traditional medicine for more than 4,000 years can take on cancers that have stumped modern

The Darkest, Sneakiest Trap Treatment You’ll Ever Find for Health Issues about false


The Darkest, Sneakiest Trap Treatment You’ll Ever Find for Health Issues

When most people think of charcoal, they picture summer grills and smoky meat. But there’s another kind of charcoal – a natural treatment that traps the toxins and chemicals in your body and sends

To Kill Cancer, Turn Up the Heat about false


To Kill Cancer, Turn Up the Heat

More than 5,000 years ago, doctors in Egypt used heat to treat cancer.Today, even the American Cancer Society admits, “Very high temperatures can kill cancer cells outright.”I’ve written about this

Mold in Your Home is a Cancer Danger about false


Mold in Your Home is a Cancer Danger

Mold isn’t always a bad thing… After all, if you enjoy a good slice of Roquefort or Camembert cheese, you’re appreciating the work of a cheesemaker who used fungal spores to create that unique,

Keep Your Summer Barbecue from Upping Your Cancer Risk about false


Keep Your Summer Barbecue from Upping Your Cancer Risk

Like a lot of people, I love the smell of meat barbecuing on the grill in the warmer months. And a burger or steak hot off the grill has a unique, mouth-watering taste you can’t get with any other

5G May Pose a Danger to Your Health - And to the Survival of the Human Race about false


5G May Pose a Danger to Your Health - And to the Survival of the Human Race

As of April 2019 5G was an accomplished fact in three countries. It’s being rushed into service all over the world, without the benefit of research on the long-term health effects of massive,

Almost Everyone has Forgotten This Essential Mineral about false


Almost Everyone has Forgotten This Essential Mineral

Are you following the advice of medical authorities by working up a sweat, avoiding dairy foods, and keeping the salt shaker at arms-length?Exercising is generally good advice, avoiding salt is

This Spice Heats up Your Taste Buds and Burns Out Cancer about false


This Spice Heats up Your Taste Buds and Burns Out Cancer

Are you a fan of hot spicy food that makes your mouth feel like it’s on fire?Personally, I love hot foods – and for once, something I like is good for me!Scientists are finding that hot spices are

Need to Conquer Cancer? Send in the Stem Cells about false


Need to Conquer Cancer? Send in the Stem Cells

Stem cell therapies in general are the most exciting thing going on right now in health science, and research is just getting started.The stem cell phenomenon has moved way beyond those days ten or

Putting This Inside You Protects Your Skin about false


Putting This Inside You Protects Your Skin

The poor lemon has an undeserved bad reputation (except when its sour flavor is offset with tons of sugar, or used in cleaning products). It’s popular as a flavoring or scent, but few among us want

They Told Her She Had a Brain Tumor… Then They Found This about false


They Told Her She Had a Brain Tumor… Then They Found This

She couldn’t decide whether to be grossed out or relieved.Doctors had given this newlywed woman the horrible news that she had brain cancer. So the neurosurgeons at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York

The Real Danger Posed by Diabetes about false


The Real Danger Posed by Diabetes

We have a raging epidemic of type 2 diabetes in the United States thanks to our high-carb eating habits and ever-increasing waistlines. The disease currently afflicts one out of ten Americans, with

Enzyme Therapy for Cancer – An Old and Honored Treatment about false


Enzyme Therapy for Cancer – An Old and Honored Treatment

Not a lot of people can explain what the pancreas does – because there’s really no need. In a healthy, functioning body, your pancreas does its job like all your other organs and there’s no need to

Jeopardy Host Says This is Helping Him Beat Terminal Cancer about false


Jeopardy Host Says This is Helping Him Beat Terminal Cancer

Popular Jeopardy host Alex Trebek has been around since I was a kid, and that’s a LONG time. Lately he’s been going through the fight of his life.Just a few months ago, he got the terrifying

Be Careful Where You Search for Alternative Health Info about false


Be Careful Where You Search for Alternative Health Info

So you’re having a health problem and decide to investigate alternative options by asking “Dr. Google.”Not such a great idea.What you find might be a partial or complete hoax…The website you land on

Herbal Treatment for Malaria Now Known to Kill Cancer, Too about false


Herbal Treatment for Malaria Now Known to Kill Cancer, Too

Best known as one of the ingredients in the highly alcoholic distilled spirit, absinthe, this bushy herb is also found in the cocktail staple, vermouth.Germans call vermouth wermut, which reveals the

This Food Helps Your Genes Shift into Anti-Cancer Mode about false


This Food Helps Your Genes Shift into Anti-Cancer Mode

Your body’s most important anti-cancer defenses are its own home grown, natural systems designed to zap cancer cells as soon as they appear. One of your body’s weapons is certain genes in your cells

Daily Habit of 15 Million People Nearly Doubles Your Risk of Liver Cancer about false


Daily Habit of 15 Million People Nearly Doubles Your Risk of Liver Cancer

A new study reveals an alarming link between one of America’s most common groups of drugs and the formation of liver cancer. If you take them you nearly double your risk.1And you’ve got lots of

Organic Foods Contain Anti-cancer Nutrients that Conventional Foods Lack about false


Organic Foods Contain Anti-cancer Nutrients that Conventional Foods Lack

People often ask me if buying organic food is worth the extra money it costs.My usual answer is, “It’s worth it if you don’t want to eat poison. I don’t want to eat pesticides and herbicides.”Now

New Body Structure Might Explain How Cancer Spreads about false


New Body Structure Might Explain How Cancer Spreads

It seems incredible that scientists have discovered a new human organ. I mean, they cut people open right and left (living and dead). How could they miss anything?Well, they did. A new organ has been

You’ll Never Believe You’ve Been Eating This for Dinner about false


You’ll Never Believe You’ve Been Eating This for Dinner

Imagine going to a fish market by the sea, where you can buy fresh-caught marine life at bargain prices. You purchase a few different types of fish and a pound of shrimp and look forward to feasting

The Cancer Blame Game: The Truth about Glyphosate in Your Food about false


The Cancer Blame Game: The Truth about Glyphosate in Your Food

I’m sure that none of us, if we had the choice, would voluntarily swallow a toxin that increases the risk of cancer. I know I wouldn’t.But in the real world, our daily choices aren’t so clear cut.

This Sleep Supplement Takes on Cancer from Every Conceivable Angle about false


This Sleep Supplement Takes on Cancer from Every Conceivable Angle

After the sun goes down, a natural hormone rises within our bodies to prepare us for sleep.For those who have trouble sleeping, it can be taken as a supplement. And that's just what three million

Don’t Miss the Mark by Focusing Only on All-Natural Cures about false


Don’t Miss the Mark by Focusing Only on All-Natural Cures

Not long ago, I heard a doctor speak at a seminar about integrative cancer care. And it made me think. Not enough people take advantage of the “best of both worlds,” alternative and conventional.This

Are We Just One Year Away from a Total Cure for Cancer? about false


Are We Just One Year Away from a Total Cure for Cancer?

Scientists are very cautious when it comes to making claims about a potential new drug. Their statements are studded with ifs, buts and maybes.It’s not hard to understand why. The newspapers are full

Could this Pill for Man’s Best Friend Offer a Cancer Cure? about false


Could this Pill for Man’s Best Friend Offer a Cancer Cure?

Remember how shark cartilage was heralded as the “miracle” cancer cure 25 years ago? Some pretty top-notch alternative doctors raved about it, as did a slew of marketers.You may not remember it

Is Treating Cancer with Odors the Future of Cancer Therapy? about false


Is Treating Cancer with Odors the Future of Cancer Therapy?

Every time you inhale through your nose, olfactory receptors in your nasal passages enable your sense of smell to function. These receptors consist of protein complexes that help you detect chemicals

The Real Story on Cannabis for Cancer about false


The Real Story on Cannabis for Cancer

I’ve had my doubts about medical marijuana from the beginning. This is not because I’m opposed to moderate recreational use – I’m not – but because the medical claims didn’t seem well-founded.And the

Deep-Breathe Your Way to Ideal Health about false


Deep-Breathe Your Way to Ideal Health

Imagine climbing into something that looks like a tanning bed. You feel a noticeable increase in air pressure, and then you just lie there and breathe for a while as your body heals in radical

This Sorry-Looking Tree Contains A Powerful Cancer Treatment about false


This Sorry-Looking Tree Contains A Powerful Cancer Treatment

I feel a special regard for ancient and traditional health remedies, especially one that’s been around since the Bronze Age. That’s the case for frankincense, which has been traded on the Arabian

Better Options for Men with a High PSA about false


Better Options for Men with a High PSA

A screening tool that lacks precision. Totally unnecessary treatment. Poor prognostic tools.Men certainly draw the short straw when it comes to prostate cancer.With 174,650 American men expected to

The Most Dreaded Development in Cancer – and How to Prevent It about false


The Most Dreaded Development in Cancer – and How to Prevent It

Just about the worst news a patient can get is that cancer cells have spread from the original tumor to other parts of the body. This process, called metastasis, does not have a good prognosis.Early

This Biblical Superstar Keep Doctors Away… And Cancer at Bay about false


This Biblical Superstar Keep Doctors Away… And Cancer at Bay

Forget the “an apple a day” mantra… this could be far better.On the outside, it looks somewhat like a large apple – red in color, but closer to a perfect sphere.If you’ve never eaten this fruit, get



The 7 Wonders that Cured Bettina’s Cancer

(This is the second of two articles about the 2019 Annie Appleseed cancer conference in West Palm Beach, Florida.)One of the highlights of each Annie Appleseed conference is the Patient Panel,

Why There’s No Such Thing as Heart Cancer about false


Why There’s No Such Thing as Heart Cancer

(This is the first of two articles about the 2019 Annie Appleseed cancer conference held in West Palm Beach, Florida.)At this year’s Annie Appleseed cancer conference in West Palm Beach, health

Popular Spring Flower Packs a Punch Against Cancer about false


Popular Spring Flower Packs a Punch Against Cancer

An ancient herb – used in Asian traditional medicine for at least 2,000 years – has now been shown to be effective against a very modern health problem.The health threat? The fact that so many of us

A List of Herbs that Can Slow or Reverse Pancreatic Cancer about false


A List of Herbs that Can Slow or Reverse Pancreatic Cancer

By 2030, pancreatic cancer is projected to become the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the US, after lung cancer.From 2006 to 2015, incidence rates increased by about 1% a year, but in

Asbestos and Mesothelioma – The Full Story about false


Asbestos and Mesothelioma – The Full Story

A grand total of fifty-five countries – stretching from Europe to the Persian Gulf – have banned asbestos.But notably, that list does not include the U.S., Canada, Russia, China, India, or

You Need This Nutrient Before the Summer Sun Arrives about false


You Need This Nutrient Before the Summer Sun Arrives

The summer sun is on its way. It brings healthy sunshine that sharpens the mind, stimulates the skin to make vitamin D and yields a wealth of other health benefits – including a happier mood!But not

The Other Big Cause of Lung Cancer about false


The Other Big Cause of Lung Cancer

When a healthy, 31-year-old former Team USA hockey star gets diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, it’s a red flag that something sinister is going on.After all, non-smokers hardly ever get lung

The Strange, Little-Known Danger That’s in ALL Water about false


The Strange, Little-Known Danger That’s in ALL Water

Most people have never heard of deuterium – and have no clue that it’s a health demon.It’s probably not on your radar – even if you religiously try to avoid toxins and rid yourself of the ones you’ve

These Micronutrients Beat Cancer All by Themselves in Some Patients about false


These Micronutrients Beat Cancer All by Themselves in Some Patients

A doctor, scientist, and humanitarian named Matthias Rath is not one to shy away from controversy.On March 8th, 2002 he placed a full-page ad in USA Today with the provocative headline, "Breakthrough

The Cancer-Fighting Food That’s Linked to Longer Life about false


The Cancer-Fighting Food That’s Linked to Longer Life

Had any seaweed lately?Probably not. It’s a type of food that Americans hardly ever eat.But in many parts of Asia, like Okinawa, a number of types of seaweed are popular. And at least when it comes

Popular Undergarment May Contribute to Breast Cancer about false


Popular Undergarment May Contribute to Breast Cancer

The idea that bras may increase the risk of breast cancer will inspire a few snickers, no doubt. And it’s not a widespread belief – it’s pretty much the private crusade of just a few people.But I’m

Is This the Most Natural Way to Fight Cancer? about false


Is This the Most Natural Way to Fight Cancer?

Your body has a natural way to fight cancer that too many of us undermine (and, no, I’m not talking about our bad eating habits).The natural tool I’m referring to is so effective, researchers are now

Chemotherapy is Not Always Bad about false


Chemotherapy is Not Always Bad

Cancer patients are admonished to discuss their ideas and concerns with their oncologist. But when they ask about alternative treatments they’re told it’s all quackery and will endanger their

A Simple Answer to the HRT-versus-Cancer Debate about false


A Simple Answer to the HRT-versus-Cancer Debate

The topic of hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, can be as polarizing these days as politics. Even members of the medical community can fly into a rage about it.And the massive amount of

Traitorous Immune Cells Use Cancer to Kill You about false


Traitorous Immune Cells Use Cancer to Kill You

Researchers who have looked into how cancer grows in the body have made a disturbing discovery.Although a tumor can be life-threatening, your immune cells may be egging the cancer cells on. They may

Even in The Face of Impossible Odds – Proof You Can Beat Cancer about false


Even in The Face of Impossible Odds – Proof You Can Beat Cancer

Jane McLelland was supposed to die in 12 weeks. At least that's what the statistics say when cervical cancer has spread to a woman’s lungs.But this 35-year-old UK physiotherapist, wasn't ready to

A Little-Known Plant Remedy for Diabetes, Cancer, Blood Pressure and More about false


A Little-Known Plant Remedy for Diabetes, Cancer, Blood Pressure and More

It's been a feature of Chinese, Indian and South Asian medicine for over a thousand years. In modern times it's backed by robust research, successful high quality trials and proven benefits. Yet

This New Science Reads Your DNA to Optimize Your Cancer-Fighting Diet about false


This New Science Reads Your DNA to Optimize Your Cancer-Fighting Diet

Diet plans are a big industry, and it seems hundreds of people stump for different kinds of diets. In the world of alternative health, the most popular options these days are the keto, Paleo and

The Tricky But Essential Thing to Avoid in the Meat You Buy about false


The Tricky But Essential Thing to Avoid in the Meat You Buy

Organic food is better for you than non-organic, because it’s always better to keep pesticides and herbicides out of your body.Another reason to eat organic is to avoid the antibiotics that are

Is Cancer in Your Future? A Simple Blood Test May be Able to Tell about false


Is Cancer in Your Future? A Simple Blood Test May be Able to Tell

The concept of early detection for cancer has brought a lot of hope to a lot of people, and even saved some lives. But it comes with startling limitations, because most of the time cancer is detected

We’re All at Risk for Parasites about false


We’re All at Risk for Parasites

Ask nearly anyone on the street, and they’d peg parasites as a problem in the developing world -- but certainly not in America.And they’d be sorely mistaken.It’s estimated that half the U.S.

Does Your Detox System Look Like an L.A. Freeway at Rush Hour? about false


Does Your Detox System Look Like an L.A. Freeway at Rush Hour?

Visit L.A., and along with seeing the sites, you get traffic. Lots of it. It doesn’t seem to matter what time of day it is or what direction you’re headed. There are simply too many cars in too

New Proof the Ketogenic Diet Plan Fights Cancer about false


New Proof the Ketogenic Diet Plan Fights Cancer

Since ancient times, healers have known that food can be medicine – even if our conventional medical establishment has stubbornly resisted this fact.But now mainstream medical researchers are finally

It Comes from a Cow, It's Not Milk, and It Might Kill Cancer… about false


It Comes from a Cow, It's Not Milk, and It Might Kill Cancer…

The good news and the bad news about alternative medicine is that it goes to weird extremes to look for treatments. And so we find promise in unlikely places, from bee venom to magnetic pulses.

This “Top Ten” Therapy Is Like Superman for Your Cells about false


This “Top Ten” Therapy Is Like Superman for Your Cells

In a world plagued by degenerative diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and more, it’s no surprise that many wish for a Superman-like hero to rescue them from their suffering.I’m sorry to say, there is

These Are the Germs That Could Someday Cure Cancer about false


These Are the Germs That Could Someday Cure Cancer

Most of what you hear about probiotics focuses on what they do in the digestive tract – processing nutrients, nourishing the cells of the intestinal walls and keeping out “bad” microbes.Those

Sweet Treatment Grows in Popularity as a Boon to Good Health about false


Sweet Treatment Grows in Popularity as a Boon to Good Health

Manuka honey, from New Zealand, continues to enjoy a sort of revival in the health world – and rightfully so, according to several recent studies.Manuka has a long and growing list of health

Fight Cancer with Super-Charged “Bionic” Immune Cells about false


Fight Cancer with Super-Charged “Bionic” Immune Cells

In these pages I keep an eye on developments in mainstream cancer treatments when they seem promising.Today there’s more cutting-edge science in the field of CAR T cell therapy, which I’ve talked to

This Natural Cancer-Fighter Should be on Your Dinner Plate about false


This Natural Cancer-Fighter Should be on Your Dinner Plate

By now, it’s no big news that one of the best ways to lower your risk of cancer is to reduce inflammation in your body. When chronic inflammation gets rolling, immune cells can create conditions that

Is Eating Coconut Oil Really Like Consuming Poison? about false


Is Eating Coconut Oil Really Like Consuming Poison?

Not too long ago, Harvard scientist (and HPV vaccine proponent) Karin Michels, Ph.D., called coconut oil “pure poison.”That’s probably a big surprise to you, if you know much about healthy eating.

This Popular Sleep Aid is a Powerful Cancer Fighter, Too about false


This Popular Sleep Aid is a Powerful Cancer Fighter, Too

You may know of melatonin – one of your body’s natural hormones -- as a sleep aid or a remedy for jet lag. But in fact, it has sweeping effects on your whole system. It can help you fight cancer,

Holiday Treat (Minus the Sugar) is a Cancer Fighter about false


Holiday Treat (Minus the Sugar) is a Cancer Fighter

Cranberry sauces appear on many tables during the holiday season that starts with Thanksgiving and extends through to New Year’s. I won’t say these sugar-laden concoctions will save you from cancer,

Can ANY Treatment Possibly be as Good as This? about false


Can ANY Treatment Possibly be as Good as This?

When advocates claim a treatment resolves 77 percent of stage 4 cancers, we have to be on our guard. It seems far too good to be true.Even harder to believe is that patients can be on the mend within

This Dangerous Tissue-Killer May Be the Next Frontier in Fighting Tumors about false


This Dangerous Tissue-Killer May Be the Next Frontier in Fighting Tumors

Hemingway’s Harry in The Snows of Kilimanjaro spends most of the story dying of gangrene while on safari. He has no way to get to a doctor.Harry might be shocked to discover, then, that gangrene

These Foods Can Make You Depressed and Lead to Cancer about false


These Foods Can Make You Depressed and Lead to Cancer

The tricky thing about good health is how much of it relies on the domino effect…For example, say you take a walk in the morning to the coffee shop around the corner. The sunshine and fresh air make

Heaps of Medicinal and Anti-Cancer Benefits Found in "Nature's Drug Store" about false


Heaps of Medicinal and Anti-Cancer Benefits Found in "Nature's Drug Store"

Ancient Indian religious texts say this tree is 'One that cures all ailments and ills.' Revered in India, it's also referred to as the 'reliever of sickness,' as well as village pharmacy, nature's

Use Your Body's Natural Powers to Get Rid of Aging Cells about false


Use Your Body's Natural Powers to Get Rid of Aging Cells

It’s all over the Internet that your body regenerates itself every seven years or so. But is that really true?Not so much. At least not in the way you might think.Like most popular myths, it has a

Cancer is Caused by Just Two Factors – and You Can Fix Both about false


Cancer is Caused by Just Two Factors – and You Can Fix Both

In 1985 Raymond Francis almost died.After his medical team made a series of catastrophic misdiagnoses and errors, he ended up with liver failure. He was told there was nothing more they could do for

Can Stem Cell Therapy Backfire and Cause Cancer? about false


Can Stem Cell Therapy Backfire and Cause Cancer?

Optimism about what stem cells can do to help repair the human body continues to grow. They truly seem to be a medical miracle with vast potential to heal and restore.NFL quarterback Peyton Manning

A Cancer-Killing Food You Can Eat Every Day about false


A Cancer-Killing Food You Can Eat Every Day

The word superfood is bandied about for such a large number of products these days, I think many of us tune it out. “Oh, another superfood. What’s on TV tonight?”It's become just more marketing

Terminal Cancer Patients Beat the Odds by Disregarding Advice from Oncologists about false


Terminal Cancer Patients Beat the Odds by Disregarding Advice from Oncologists

It's about the worst diagnosis anyone can ever receive: glioblastoma multiforme, a deadly brain tumor. Life expectancy is around 12 to 15 months.Such was Ben Williams' situation back in 1995. But Ben

Beware of Foods that Look Too Pretty about false


Beware of Foods that Look Too Pretty

Over the last century, the processed-food industry has worked hard to create synthetic, shelf-stable colors, flavors, and preservatives. Today I’m going to focus on the colors and set aside the

Quick and Easy Ways to Make Sure the Air You Breathe is Safe about false


Quick and Easy Ways to Make Sure the Air You Breathe is Safe

Think you’re safe from lung cancer because you don’t smoke? Think again.Even though global smoking levels have decreased over the past several decades, lung cancer still kills more people every year

Dirt Cheap 'Dirty Drugs' Outperform Trumpeted New Treatments about false


Dirt Cheap 'Dirty Drugs' Outperform Trumpeted New Treatments

It costs over a billion dollars and takes more than a decade to bring a new cancer drug to the marketplace. Even then, it may be relevant to only a small patient population and extend life by just a

A Soda a Day Keeps the Doctors at Bay about false


A Soda a Day Keeps the Doctors at Bay

Most of us know soda (or soda pop, as we say in my native Midwest) is bad news – whether it’s regular or diet.But there IS one soda that’s an exception. It’s unconventional, for sure, but it does

The Skin Cancer Epidemic – And Surprising Things that Cause It about false


The Skin Cancer Epidemic – And Surprising Things that Cause It

Too many people are too blase about skin cancer.Yes, many skin cancers are slow-growing and may not be an imminent threat to your life.But make no mistake – skin cancer can kill you. Among men,

Lung Cancer Patients Break the Law for This Innovative Treatment about false


Lung Cancer Patients Break the Law for This Innovative Treatment

California resident Judy Ingels is a stage 4 lung cancer patient. To receive the best treatment as she sees it -- an immunotherapy vaccine -- she's had to risk a fine or maybe even jail.“I'm not

Highly Toxic Carcinogen Lurks in Everyday Foods about false


Highly Toxic Carcinogen Lurks in Everyday Foods

Described by scientists as among the most potent mutation-causing and carcinogenic substances known, these chemicals already destroy a quarter of the entire world's food crop annually before it even

What to Do to Protect Yourself From EMFs Part III about false


What to Do to Protect Yourself From EMFs Part III

We devoted the last two issues to the dangers of EMF exposure from cell phones, laptops, WiFi hotspots, cell towers and many other sources. 5,000 studies1 document this theory in whole or in part.And

The Deadly Dangers of Wireless Devices Part II about false


The Deadly Dangers of Wireless Devices Part II

Our last issue looked at the growing evidence that wireless devices of all kinds – cell phones, cell towers, tablets, Alexa, the wireless router in your home, the WiFi hotspots that are almost

WARNING… You Carry This Killer with You Everywhere You Go about false


WARNING… You Carry This Killer with You Everywhere You Go

I’m going to tell you five stories about cancer victims. All recent. All sad. All true. All preventable.History tends to repeat itself. Awful things happen, but we keep repeating the mistakes of the

“Cannabis Cures Cancer Without the High” about false


“Cannabis Cures Cancer Without the High”

This is the second of two reports about the 2018 Cancer Control Convention and Doctors’ Symposium, held over Labor Day weekend at the Glendale Hilton Hotel in Glendale, California.It seems like CBD

No Need to Wait For a Cancer “Cure”! about false


No Need to Wait For a Cancer “Cure”!

This is the first of two reports about the 2018 Cancer Control Convention and Doctors’ Symposium, held over Labor Day weekend at the Glendale Hilton Hotel in Glendale, California.Many cancer patients

The 10 Point Plan for Preventing Cancer about false


The 10 Point Plan for Preventing Cancer

The World Cancer Research Fund published its Third Expert Report, Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer: A Global Perspective, in May.World-renowned independent experts gave us the most

One of the Most Dangerous Places in America – Avoid if Possible about false


One of the Most Dangerous Places in America – Avoid if Possible

The most dangerous place you could visit this year doesn’t look all that scary.Yet most people have no idea how great a risk they take when they check in. The numbers of deaths and injuries are

What Acupuncture Can and Cannot do for Cancer about false


What Acupuncture Can and Cannot do for Cancer

Ancient health practices have a lot to teach us.Case in point – medical research into acupuncture, a therapy more than 5,000 years old, has found that it can help cancer patients recover from cancer

The Targeted Cancer Therapy That Comes from Nature about false


The Targeted Cancer Therapy That Comes from Nature

Oncologists are more optimistic about defeating cancer today thanks to the development of drugs that home in on targets found only in cancer cells.But the creation of synthetic targeted drugs is not

Cancer Tests You May Want to Avoid about false


Cancer Tests You May Want to Avoid

On the face of it, it seems like a good idea: Get screened for cancer and if the test shows something to worry about, get the growth taken care of before it gets out of hand.What could go wrong?A

Touted as Healthy, Consumed by Millions… May be Dangerous about false


Touted as Healthy, Consumed by Millions… May be Dangerous

Most people start their day with 20 different painkillers, antibiotics, anti-fungals, and sex hormones.1They do it unintentionally, in the name of good health.In one sense they’re spot on, because

Transform Your Home Into a Private Medical Spa… And Send Toxins Packing about false


Transform Your Home Into a Private Medical Spa… And Send Toxins Packing

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word “detoxification?”If you’ve spent much time in the world of alternative treatments, quite a few things may come to mind.Gallbladder and liver

Cancer Can Be Deadly… But Probably Not for the Reason You Think about false


Cancer Can Be Deadly… But Probably Not for the Reason You Think

Cancer is a complex beast.It’s hard enough to treat when it sits in one location. But when it sends out “pioneers” to move to more “fertile ground” – the process called metastasis -- it destroys some

Top 5 Worst Foods for Cancer – and What to Eat Instead about false


Top 5 Worst Foods for Cancer – and What to Eat Instead

It’s no secret that cancer is one of the biggest threats of our time, second only to heart disease. But what to do about it remains elusive. There are so many alternative treatments, it can be

Potent Anti-Cancer Compounds Found in the “Flower of Hope” about false


Potent Anti-Cancer Compounds Found in the “Flower of Hope”

The idea originated in Canada in the 1950s.As the first flower of spring, the daffodil was chosen by the Canadian Cancer Society as an ideal symbol, representing hope, a new beginning. . . something

DIY Immunotherapy: How to Battle Cancer at Home about false


DIY Immunotherapy: How to Battle Cancer at Home

Mainstream medicine sometimes gets it right. A new wonder treatment called CAR T-cell therapy gives hope to cancer victims who would have had none from conventional medicine just a few years ago.Yet

Ancient Spice Targets Cancer in a New Way about false


Ancient Spice Targets Cancer in a New Way

With its combination of sweet and savory flavors, this spice works well in stews, soups, vegetable dishes, desserts, and dry rubs on joints of meat.It can even be used in place of black pepper for

You Can Fight Cancer While You Sleep – Or Lose to It about false


You Can Fight Cancer While You Sleep – Or Lose to It

Your body possesses its own natural anti-cancer defenses. And they are powerful. But too many of us fail to take advantage of these protections, oftentimes because we don’t know better.The frequent

Are You Accidentally Helping Your Body’s Mortal Enemy? about false


Are You Accidentally Helping Your Body’s Mortal Enemy?

Cancer cells need a good supply of energy to grow, divide, and spread.But where do they get all that energy? And how can we stop them from getting it?Instead of stopping them, the majority of us

Eat Like This to Create a "Magic Shield" Against Cancer about false


Eat Like This to Create a "Magic Shield" Against Cancer

In 2002 Valter Longo, Ph.D. was looking at ways to protect cancer patients from the damaging side effects of chemotherapy.Based on his experience working in the same lab as a well-known anti-aging

This Substance Found in a Certain Candy Stops Cancer Cold about false


This Substance Found in a Certain Candy Stops Cancer Cold

Plants possess what you could call “pigment power.”The natural compounds that give fruits and their vegetables their colors also provide chemical weapons the human body can use to stay healthier.

Acid Reflux: Not an Innocent Nuisance about false


Acid Reflux: Not an Innocent Nuisance

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid surges from your stomach back up into your esophagus, the tube that connects your stomach and mouth. If you can taste vomit at the back of your throat, usually

Get Control of the Creatures that Control Your Cancer Risk –And Even Your Mood! about false


Get Control of the Creatures that Control Your Cancer Risk –And Even Your Mood!

If you’re unhappy or in a bad mood, it could be because of the microbes in your colon. While we like to think we’re the masters of our own destiny, in reality we’re often at the mercy of influences

Banned Malaria Cure Brings New Hope for Cancer Patients about false


Banned Malaria Cure Brings New Hope for Cancer Patients

Whilst prospecting for gold deep in the jungles of Guyana, South America, Jim Humble had no idea he would return from that 1996 trip to spend a year in scientific research and then devote the best

These Three Words are Powerful Enough to Curb Your Entire Cancer Risk about false


These Three Words are Powerful Enough to Curb Your Entire Cancer Risk

Anxiety, stress, and depression are at an all-time high right now – especially in America. In its most recent annual survey of stress in Americans (2017), the American Psychological Association found

These Three Nutrients Team Up to Fight Cancer about false


These Three Nutrients Team Up to Fight Cancer

If researchers at the Medical College of Georgia are right, a combination of three nutrients, taken as a pill that has virtually no side effects, may soon be used as an effective cancer-fighter.Now,

This “Leaf of the Sea” is a Great Protector Against Skin Cancer about false


This “Leaf of the Sea” is a Great Protector Against Skin Cancer

Seaweed has been making the rounds in popular culture in a multitude of ways. You can find it as a new favorite grab-and-go snack at health food stores, in the outer layer on a sushi roll, and as a

Mystery Organ Surfaces as Possible Cancer Accomplice about false


Mystery Organ Surfaces as Possible Cancer Accomplice

To underscore just how much we still don’t know when it comes to the human body, scientists recently discovered a new organ.Hard to believe – but true.Even more incredible, this new organ may hold

Six Cancer Risks Almost No One Knows About about false


Six Cancer Risks Almost No One Knows About

If you do much reading about how to maintain your good health, you see a ton of stories about how this or that causes cancer. The list of carcinogens seems endless.In spite of this barrage of

Your First Line of Defense Against Colorectal Cancer – How Strong is Yours? about false


Your First Line of Defense Against Colorectal Cancer – How Strong is Yours?

Every football team has a quarterback, and every basketball team a center.In football, the quarterback calls plays and gives specific assignments to his players.In basketball, the center is usually

This Kitchen Cabinet Cure for Cancer Deserves a Look about false


This Kitchen Cabinet Cure for Cancer Deserves a Look

Evidence is mounting that a box of baking soda – the kind you can pick up at the grocery store for less than a buck – has more healing potential than multi-thousand-dollar manufactured drugs, and may

Korean Cancer Center Succeeds With Integrative Therapies about false


Korean Cancer Center Succeeds With Integrative Therapies

Established in 1991 and located in Daejeon in South Korea, the East-West Cancer Center has treated more than 30,000 patients with a unique program based on the principles of traditional oriental

New Proof You Can Fight Cancer with Foods about false


New Proof You Can Fight Cancer with Foods

Kathy was 41 years old when she was diagnosed with a rare form of inflammatory breast cancer… so rare that it makes up only one out of a hundred breast cancer cases. Worse yet, the survival rate is

The Worst Kinds of Processed Foods about false


The Worst Kinds of Processed Foods

“Ultra-Processed Food,” as you might guess, is a step beyond processed food. It’s not a term I just made up. It’s the result of a new effort to drill down deeper into the whole subject of processed

The Chemical in Grapes with a Big Effect on Cancer about false


The Chemical in Grapes with a Big Effect on Cancer

For years, research has been uncovering the remarkable health benefits of resveratrol, a natural chemical found in grapes, wine, dark chocolate and blueberries. Many of us have been supplementing

Pray Cancer Away? Science Says it Might Be Possible about false


Pray Cancer Away? Science Says it Might Be Possible

Whether or not you believe in the power of prayer, researchers have what you may find to be surprising news.Prayer may help you avoid cancer.When you pray, your body can undergo microscopic

Does Your Deodorant Contain a Carcinogen? about false


Does Your Deodorant Contain a Carcinogen?

A few years ago, an email made its way around the internet claiming a personal product nearly everyone uses every day causes breast cancer.The culprit? Antiperspirants -- specifically, the aluminum

The Miracle Activity That Keeps You (and Your T cells) Young about false


The Miracle Activity That Keeps You (and Your T cells) Young

It’s no secret that exercise is good for your heart and circulatory health, and readers of my other newsletter, Brain Health Breakthroughs, know it’s a huge help in warding off dementia.About four

This Breast “Carcinoma” Isn’t Even Cancer – Don’t Let It Scare You about false


This Breast “Carcinoma” Isn’t Even Cancer – Don’t Let It Scare You

When most people are told they have this lesion, the only word they hear is carcinoma.Which instantly conjures up nightmares of disfiguring surgery and the nightmare of chemo, all with the risk of an

Cancer Authorities Condemn Alcohol – Any Alcohol about false


Cancer Authorities Condemn Alcohol – Any Alcohol

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), whose membership includes many of the nation's cancer specialists, issued their first ever official warning on the dangers of drinking alcohol.This

This “Heat-Seeking Missile Therapy” Boasts a Success Rate Four Times Higher Than Existing Treatments about false


This “Heat-Seeking Missile Therapy” Boasts a Success Rate Four Times Higher Than Existing Treatments

Doctors are seeing increasing levels of success by casting off caustic cancer treatments in favor of those that work with the immune system instead of destroying it, as chemo does.It’s not something

Just Discovered: Your Body Can Make These Compounds to Fight Cancer about false


Just Discovered: Your Body Can Make These Compounds to Fight Cancer

Researchers have discovered natural compounds your body makes that improve your chances of avoiding cancer or surviving it if you do fall victim.To get the maximum benefit, you may have to change the

Chemical Found in Over 2,000 Household Products Linked to Colon Disease about false


Chemical Found in Over 2,000 Household Products Linked to Colon Disease

It’s a shame more people didn’t heed the warnings of Sir Alexander Fleming when he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.Fleming, who discovered penicillin, brushed off pronouncements of its

Are Fancy Bottled Waters Worth It – Or Healthy? about false


Are Fancy Bottled Waters Worth It – Or Healthy?

Last year was a milestone. In an unexpected nod to health, sales of bottled water overtook those of soda in 2017.Decades ago, that would’ve been unthinkable. Surely no one would pay for something

This Sweet & Juicy Summer Treat Fights Cancer on Many Fronts about false


This Sweet & Juicy Summer Treat Fights Cancer on Many Fronts

“The findings were heralded as groundbreaking," writes physician and New York Times bestselling author Michael Greger, in an editorial in a leading cancer journal.And yet in the media there was

To Eat or Not to Eat: How Fasting Might Help Starve Cancer about false


To Eat or Not to Eat: How Fasting Might Help Starve Cancer

Until recently, fasting was something you might hear about people doing for religious or political reasons. Christianity, Judaism and Islam use fasting as a way to express sacrifice, self-discipline,

Overlooked Reason for Colon Cancer and GI Tract Upset about false


Overlooked Reason for Colon Cancer and GI Tract Upset

The next time you have an ice cream cone you might want to ask yourself, “Want some colon cancer or IBS with that?”Medical research says there’s a good chance the sweet treat could be making you sick

Scary News: Could Essential Oils Cause Cancer? about false


Scary News: Could Essential Oils Cause Cancer?

Essential oils are widely considered not only safe, but medicinal. They’re used in scores of healing balms and medicinal products meant to help people get over illness and discomfort.So it comes as

This May be the Best Single Habit if You Want a Long Life about false


This May be the Best Single Habit if You Want a Long Life

Maybe you’ve heard the line “I can sleep when I’m dead.” It’s often voiced by night owls who think partying, watching TV, playing videogames, or checking out Facebook is more rewarding than sleep.

Can Smartphone Apps Detect Skin Cancer? Yes, But Not the Way You Think… about false


Can Smartphone Apps Detect Skin Cancer? Yes, But Not the Way You Think…

Now you can now choose among several smartphone apps that help to diagnose skin cancer early. It sounds like the kind of wonderful high tech medical solution that makes news, but you should take this

This Carcinogen is Everywhere – But One Easy Tip Reduces Your Intake by Half about false


This Carcinogen is Everywhere – But One Easy Tip Reduces Your Intake by Half

We are constantly inhaling, swallowing and absorbing a frighteningly large number of untested chemicals from the consumer products we use. These toxic chemicals are not just in the food we eat and

Lack of These 4 Crucial Nutrients Is a Common Cause of Cancer about false


Lack of These 4 Crucial Nutrients Is a Common Cause of Cancer

In a world full of toxins, pollution, bad food, and who knows what else, avoiding cancer may seem like more trouble than it’s worth. Every day it seems we’re urged to give up yet another food we

Treating Cancer by Sniffing Certain Odors about false


Treating Cancer by Sniffing Certain Odors

It sounds bizarre – but we may soon be able to treat certain cancers by merely smelling a particular scent.Research indicates it’s possible.Studies now show that certain odors may inhibit cancer,

Curing Cancer with a Few Radical Changes about false


Curing Cancer with a Few Radical Changes

(This is the first of two articles about the 2018 Annie Appleseed cancer conference in West Palm Beach, Florida.)Perhaps the highlight of each Annie Appleseed conference is the Patient Panel,

Don’t Hesitate to Play the Cancer Card! about false


Don’t Hesitate to Play the Cancer Card!

(This is the first of two articles about the 2018 Annie Appleseed cancer conference in West Palm Beach, Florida.)At this year’s Annie Appleseed cancer conference in West Palm Beach, an energy

Do This to Boost Your First Line of Defense Against Cancer (It Doesn’t Cost Anything…) about false


Do This to Boost Your First Line of Defense Against Cancer (It Doesn’t Cost Anything…)

In a study published recently in the journal Aging Cell, researchers compared male and female amateur cyclists, age 55 to 79, with similar individuals who seldom or never exercised. As expected, the

“Nobody Can Eat Just One” Because There are No Nutrients in it about false


“Nobody Can Eat Just One” Because There are No Nutrients in it

In our last issue, we saw how big food corporations developed flavorings as a response to the fact that factory-farmed food had lost its taste. And besides making bland food tasty, the new flavoring

The Food Industry Makes Food Addictive - And Almost Nutrient-Free about false


The Food Industry Makes Food Addictive - And Almost Nutrient-Free

The weight of Americans has been heading upwards for decades along with the number of calories we eat, which has risen by 24% since 1961 -- from 2,881 to 3,600 calories a day.Yes, we’re eating much

The New Crystal Ball of the Cancer World…But Should You Peek Into It? about false


The New Crystal Ball of the Cancer World…But Should You Peek Into It?

Do you have a family history of breast cancer? It might not be coincidence...Scientists have developed a method for knowing if you – and your family members – are at a higher risk of developing

The Best Natural Way to Avoid Cancer, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Dementia – And More! about false


The Best Natural Way to Avoid Cancer, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Dementia – And More!

Research studies are piling up to the sky that prove inflammation is the real precursor to a host of diseases. This is particularly true for heart attacks, which were once mainly attributed to high

Dirty Indoor Air is a Serious Problem – Here’s What NASA Disovered about false


Dirty Indoor Air is a Serious Problem – Here’s What NASA Disovered

Here’s a dirty little secret not many people know outside of NASA.It has to do with a major cancer risk you can’t see, touch, or feel – polluted indoor air.Your office, home, or apartment probably

A High-Protein Diet May Up Your Risk of Cancer about false


A High-Protein Diet May Up Your Risk of Cancer

The Paleo diet and related low-carb, high-protein eating plans have become popular in the last few years – including with me. But new research now suggests that if the protein is animal protein,

Are You Inviting Health Problems if You Combine These Supplements? about false


Are You Inviting Health Problems if You Combine These Supplements?

What if the supplements you take every day in hopes of preventing cancer turn out to be the reason you get it? It’s a disturbing thought, and if proven – a big if -- it could disrupt the $37

Cannabis Gains Acceptance as a Cancer Treatment about false


Cannabis Gains Acceptance as a Cancer Treatment

For thousands of years, Eastern civilizations have used cannabis sativa, AKA marijuana or hempo, as a medical remedy. Though it finally made its way to the Western world in the 1800s, it remains

Little-Known Side Effects of Antibiotics about false


Little-Known Side Effects of Antibiotics

We’ve been told for years to tread with caution when it comes to antibiotics. Most of the time the message has to do with concerns about antibiotic resistance. Meaning, if we all take antibiotics

The Cancer Risk Factor They Don’t Want You to Know About about false


The Cancer Risk Factor They Don’t Want You to Know About

There’s a particular risk factor for cancer that gets swept under the rug for reasons of “political correctness.” For example, a recently published study noted a 50 percent higher cancer risk for

The Many Hidden Downsides of Chemotherapy about false


The Many Hidden Downsides of Chemotherapy

"At a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."It's a quote attributed to the novelist George Orwell, although he never actually wrote or said it.But whoever did might

Does This Vitamin Actually Cause Cancer? about false


Does This Vitamin Actually Cause Cancer?

This powerful antioxidant helps your body fight inflammation, use vitamin K effectively, create red blood cells, and keep your immune system healthy.It's mainly an antioxidant, neutralizing free

Most Powerful Cancer Medicine is Free And It’s Not in a Bottle about false


Most Powerful Cancer Medicine is Free And It’s Not in a Bottle

It’s one of the best actions you can take to cut your risk of cancer. Half an hour a week can add years to your life. The return on time invested is awesome.I’m talking about exercise, but not just

Women Under 50 Face Confusing Findings about Birth Control and Cancer about false


Women Under 50 Face Confusing Findings about Birth Control and Cancer

A new study out of Denmark is leaving a lot of women wondering which birth control options are the safest for general good health and cancer prevention.For years, women have been told that hormonal

Those Home Cures for Skin Cancer Have a Few Problems about false


Those Home Cures for Skin Cancer Have a Few Problems

Dermatologists across America are witnessing an alarming trend.More and more people are self-treating their cancers with a powerful cell-killing substance bought online. They say this topical paste

The Next Frontier in Cancer Research: Warty, Squishy “Cukes” about false


The Next Frontier in Cancer Research: Warty, Squishy “Cukes”

The next great cancer cure is the product of a tiny $5 million industry, harvested primarily by professional divers and threatened mainly by sea otters. Their quarry looks like something out of

The Cancer-Healing Secret of Earl Grey Tea about false


The Cancer-Healing Secret of Earl Grey Tea

If you know bergamot at all, you probably know it as the exquisite added flavor that makes Earl Grey tea a favorite of tea-drinkers who know their stuff.Because of its delightful fragrance, the

Outsmart Big Pharma by Activating Your Immune System for Free about false


Outsmart Big Pharma by Activating Your Immune System for Free

The mainstream medical community has a new tool for fighting cancer, which they’ve dubbed the “fifth pillar” of cancer treatment. What they’re referring to is immunotherapy, or harnessing the power

This Delicious Fruit is a Vicious Cancer Killer about false


This Delicious Fruit is a Vicious Cancer Killer

Today’s subject is a popular fruit that seems sweet and juicy to us, but turns into a deadly assassin when it sees a cancer cell. Research show it slows down the growth of breast cancer cells and

Beat Carcinogens with This 9-Step Fightin’ Plan about false


Beat Carcinogens with This 9-Step Fightin’ Plan

Every day, you hear reports of another cancer-causing element in your food, water, clothing, or some other corner of your life.Assuming you have a strong passion to keep your health, how do you even

Best Type of Fiber to Fight Cancer about false


Best Type of Fiber to Fight Cancer

“Cereal” is pretty much equal to “breakfast” for millions of Americans, maybe hundreds of millions. The tradition of cereal runs deep, going back hundreds of years in Western cultures, often

Drastically Reduce Your Risk of Leukemia in Three Natural Steps about false


Drastically Reduce Your Risk of Leukemia in Three Natural Steps

Blood cancers are ravaging our population, with roughly one person being diagnosed every three minutes – and that’s just in the U.S. Right now, nearly 1.3 million Americans are either living with or

One of the Healthiest Fruits in the World about false


One of the Healthiest Fruits in the World

The more I learn about aronia berries, the more impressed I am. For example, after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, these berries were used by Russians to curb the effects of radiation. The treatment

If Cancer Cells had Legs They'd Run Away From This "Killer Vegetable" about false


If Cancer Cells had Legs They'd Run Away From This "Killer Vegetable"

You've probably heard me talk about how the more color a vegetable or fruit has, the higher its antioxidant load. The same is true for darker-colored versus lighter-colored foods - darker colors win

World's Favorite Flower is a Deadly Killer Against Cancer about false


World's Favorite Flower is a Deadly Killer Against Cancer

If we took a vote I'm pretty sure the rose would rate as the most popular flower in the world - but not for its medicinal benefits. I think few people know it can be used to treat a wide variety of

Brush, Floss and Rinse to Prevent  Cancer and Heart Disease about false


Brush, Floss and Rinse to Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease

It's easy to think your appearance is the best reason to take care of your teeth. After all, everyone's smile is better when it features a set of pearly whites. Judging from the market for

One of the Healthiest Foods on Earth for Battling Cancer about false


One of the Healthiest Foods on Earth for Battling Cancer

I've talked about scores of different cancer-fighting foods through the years, but few come close to the powerful, all-round stellar effects you can get from beans.They're cheap, versatile, and pack

This Tiny Seed May Help Kill Your Cancer about false


This Tiny Seed May Help Kill Your Cancer

Chronic inflammation rears its ugly head in many ways - through muscle or joint pain, depression or anxiety, fatigue or gastrointestinal problems, even memory loss.And if you suffer with inflammation

New home protocol for a healthy colon about false


New home protocol for a healthy colon

by Andrew ScholbergThis is the second of two reports about Ty Bollinger's 2017 "The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]" conference at the JW Marriott Grande Lakes in Orlando, Florida. The views of the

Remarkable lost cancer cure revealed at conference about false


Remarkable lost cancer cure revealed at conference

by Andrew ScholbergThis is the first of two reports on Ty Bollinger’s 2017 “The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” conference at the JW Marriott Grande Lakes in Orlando, Florida. The views of the speakers,

Is this the number one cause of cancer? about false


Is this the number one cause of cancer?

It took until 2013 for the American Medical Association to finally recognize obesity as a complex chronic disease that requires medical attention.This has led to greater efforts to improve the health

Natural remedies for anxiety about false


Natural remedies for anxiety

When stress and anxiety hit - whether it's from your work, family, relationships or any combination - they affect your body from head to toe. Hopefully the crisis is temporary, but when it's long

How cancer evades your immune system, and what to do about it about false


How cancer evades your immune system, and what to do about it

Your body’s security system is similar to your home security system or watch dog. But infinitely more important.It’s supposed to keep the bad guys out… or take them out if they find their way in.Yet

Electro-Magnetic Frequency Device Acts Against Cancer Cells about false


Electro-Magnetic Frequency Device Acts Against Cancer Cells

Known as the "Father of Wellness" in chiropractic circles, Dr. John Brimhall owns $300,000 worth of medical equipment which he uses as required to treat his patients.But he says there is one piece of