
Chemotherapy is Not Always Bad

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Chemotherapy is Not Always Bad about undefined

Cancer patients are admonished to discuss their ideas and concerns with their oncologist. But when they ask about alternative treatments they’re told it’s all quackery and will endanger their lives.

The vast majority of oncologists don’t have a clue about natural medicine. Please understand this: They know NOTHING about it. When they tell you it doesn’t work, they’re speaking from ignorance. They haven’t studied the treatments at all.

The only time you’re likely to hear a kind word about alternatives from a conventional cancer doctor is after he/she has written you off as hopeless and told you to put your affairs in order. If you try alternatives and then go back a few months or years later -- after you were supposed to be dead -- your oncologist might say, “That’s nice. Keep on doing whatever you’re doing.”

Not that they’ll actually try to learn about the “quackery” that saved your life.

People typically start looking at alternative cancer treatments after they’ve been told they’re late-stage and hopeless. They turn to Dr. Internet for answers. If they’re lucky, they find our website, but most don’t. There are a lot of bigger and louder – but not better – cancer websites.

These tend to be full of starry-eyed promises and a confusing variety of choices. There are literally hundreds of alternative cancer treatments. But what may be even worse is the sites that claim to have the one-and-only-answer to cancer.

After nearly 15 years of pounding out this newsletter and publishing books on the subject, I can tell you it’s very, very hard to weigh all the conflicting evidence, the over-the-top stories of true cures – and decide what to do.

That’s one reason I urge readers to go to an alternative cancer clinic. We’ve published a lot of info on this (more about that in a moment). What I want to do right now is tell you about a treatment you’re likely to encounter at these clinics. And – surprise – it involves chemotherapy, of all things.

Here’s the story. . .

Even though it’s been around for nearly 90 years, there’s a pretty good chance you still haven’t heard about insulin potentiation therapyIPT.

This type of chemotherapy is a favorite among alternative cancer doctors, and it could save your life. As you may know, conventional chemotherapy is a terrible thing to go through. It does kill cancer cells, but it also kills healthy cells. A great many people die of the treatment (although conventional doctors will never tell you that).

Chemotherapy is basically a race to see if the treatment can kill the cancer cells before it kills you.

IPT solves this problem by taking advantage of a simple, well-known fact that enables the doctor to direct the deadly drug to your cancer cells instead of your healthy cells.

Plays into cancer’s natural weakness

Cancer cells have a voracious appetite for glucose – they contain 10 to 20 times more insulin receptors than normal cells. Glucose is your body’s primary fuel, and insulin receptors are the gateway by which glucose enters your cells, whether they’re healthy or cancerous.

Because cancer cells compete with normal cells for incoming glucose, they usually win due to their huge number of receptors.

Cancer cells will even go to the extreme of swinging their membranes wide open in order to get their sugar fix. They burn through glucose like there’s no tomorrow. This is one reason cancer patients lose weight… cancer cells steal glucose from the body’s normal cells, starving them.

IPT plays off of this weakness – cancer cells’ insatiable desire for glucose.

Tricks tumor cells into
welcoming cancer-killing drugs

When those membranous doors swing open to drink up the blood sugar, large amounts of cancer-killing chemotherapy enter the cancer cells, even though the IPT patient is receiving only low amounts of the chemo agent. The reason is that the doctor has administered insulin before injecting the chemo drug. Insulin causes the cell doors to open.

Then the doctor gives the cancer patient a sugar “chaser” right after the insulin and the chemotherapy– since cancer cells so aggressively seek sugar. This helps ensure that the poisonous drug gets into the cells – the drug is sandwiched between insulin on the front end and sugar on the back end.

In a nutshell, IPT delivers glucose across cell membranes and at the same time shuttles chemo drugs into cancer cells. It’s an amazing lock and key system.

The net result of the IPT strategy is that the patient needs only a fraction of the dose of the chemotherapy poison that a conventional oncologist would use. Remember, cancer cells have ten times more insulin receptors than normal cells.  Insulin plus glucose (blood sugar) magnifies the effects of the administered insulin and correspondingly reduces the amount of chemo drugs required.

Reportedly, IPT requires only a tenth the amount of the chemotherapy drug – meaning the patient does not experience the horrible side effects of chemo, but the cancer cells are hit with as much poison as they get in full-dose chemo.

One study reported that adding insulin to methotrexate (a common chemotherapy drug) enhanced the cell-killing effects of the drug by a factor of up to ten thousand.

That’s why the drug dosage can be reduced to a fraction of what’s used in standard chemo.

Which is why IPT is also known as low-dose chemotherapy or IPTLD (Insulin Potentiation Therapy Low Dose).

A kinder, gentler approach

IPT shuttles chemo drugs directly into cancer cells, meaning there’s little to no chance of residual drugs triggering those dreaded toxic reactions in healthy cells.

In standard chemotherapy, patients are given large doses of drugs, in the hope that enough will be absorbed to actually kill the cancer cells.

That’s why the drugs end up spilling over into healthy cells, wreaking havoc on them.

What IPT’s critics say

Nevertheless, IPT has its critics. Here are their two main concerns…

1. Hypoglycemia is an issue with IPT. And yes, if it weren’t for a hidden truth this would be a problem.

Here’s the thing… in the “old days,” IPT therapy required putting patients into an insulin coma. If that were still the case, you might be justified in avoiding it, but times have changed.

If your IPT doctor plans to induce an insulin coma, find a new doctor. Fast.

For today’s IPT therapy, your blood sugar is safely lowered to a level slightly below your body’s norm… in a carefully controlled way, using intravenous glucose infusions at appropriate times, keeping you safe and comfortable.

2. The other rap against IPT is that the dose of chemo drugs is too low to be effective.

Critics claim that the dose of chemotherapy drugs is far too low to do any good, and therefore IPT wastes precious time the patient could devote to better treatments.

But this charge overlooks the very essence of the IPT strategy. The insulin pushes the drugs into the cancer cells, resulting in a higher than normal absorption rate.

Due to the huge number of insulin receptors on cancer cell membranes, we can now clearly distinguish between cancer cells and normal ones by using insulin. This makes targeting cancer cells with lower doses of chemotherapy drugs a real possibility.

Not all alternative doctors use IPT. Different doctors have different protocols. The alternative clinics in Mexico are most likely to use this treatment. You can learn all about them in our guide to these clinics, The Amish Cancer Secret. The title comes from the fact that many Amish people seek treatment in Mexico.

Some U.S. clinics do offer IPT (it’s legal here). You can look for one with the help of our guide America’s Best Cancer Doctors.

Is this why you haven’t heard about IPT?

Modern medicine has become a pseudo-religion intent on suppressing alternative treatment options that have not been “proven” in clinical studies for one reason or another (usually because there’s no profit in these treatments for a drug company, and the studies would cost a huge amount of money).

Another significant hurdle is that most cancer patients do not seek out alternatives until they are in the last stages of the disease.  By then, even the best alternative treatments are a long shot, and the failure rate is high. If you are a late-stage cancer patient, I regret to say you can probably only hope for the possibility of extending life and managing the disease, not getting rid of it. Although there are exceptions. And some people are able to “manage” the disease for many years.

Some published studies point to an improved quality of life for IPT patients, but so far there are no studies that compare survival rates and longevity for patients undergoing standard chemo versus low-dose.

If you or a loved one has cancer, you’ll have to assess your options based on the available data.

IPT deserves your consideration, as it can do tremendous good – without harm. And that should be the objective.

IPT’s creator, Dr. Donato Pérez García I, now deceased, was far ahead of his time (and perhaps ahead of ours too).

Some believe he should’ve been awarded a Nobel Prize for his work. Ross A. Hauser, M.D. and Marion A. Hauser, M.S., R.D., authors of the book Cancer: Treating Cancer with Insulin Potentiation Therapy, are among them.

Dr. García’s grandson practices IPT at one of Mexico’s best hospitals. He has more than 30 years of experience with the therapy.

Best regards,

Lee Euler,

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