When advocates claim a treatment resolves 77 percent of stage 4 cancers, we have to be on our guard. It seems far too good to be true.
Even harder to believe is that patients can be on the mend within a week and back to full health in a year.
And when it is also claimed that pancreatic cancer -- which has a very low survival rate -- can be turned around quite easily, you can figure that regulatory SWAT teams are lining up to close down the “quacks” (as in fact they’ve done in this case).
And yet the evidence to support the healing properties of GcMAF is compelling. Read it and see what you think. . .
Cancer releases an
immune-suppressing enzyme
GcMAF is a naturally-occurring vitamin D-binding regulatory protein found in healthy human plasma. It functions to support the immune system.
GcMAF basically kicks the macrophages -- the Pac Men of the immune system, which devour the body’s enemies -- into action so they can launch an attack and eat up cancer cells, viruses and other pathogens.
But cancer cells -- as well as infections, inflammation, stress and trauma -- are able to deter the immune response by releasing an enzyme called nagalase. This inhibits GcMAF production and macrophage activation. Now unable to make its own GcMAF, the body cannot effectively defend itself.
While nagalase can prevent the body from producing GcMAF, it cannot act against GcMAF itself. This means the protein can be introduced into the body externally, enabling immunity to be rebuilt.
12 powerful benefits
GcMAF has been very well studied, with over 150 articles in medical journals going back three decades.
As research into GcMAF intensified, researchers found it offers many other beneficial effects for cancer unrelated to macrophage activation.1 Lab studies show it also:
- Inhibits angiogenesis – cancer cell induced blood supply to tumors
- Curbs cancer cell proliferation and metastatic potential
- Induces apoptosis – cancer cell suicide
- Reverts phenotype -- turns cancer cells back into normal cells
- Suppresses HER2 oncogene expression in human breast cancer
An impressive demonstration of GcMAF's effect on breast cancer cells in culture can be seen in a two-minute video.2
Other effects not specifically related to cancer:
- Neurogenesis -- Repairs and grows new human neurons
- Increases mitochondrial cellular energy
- Stimulates the endocannabinoid system, which closely interacts with the immune system, and normalizes endocannabinoid gene expression
- Induces the synthesis and release of nitric oxide by activated macrophages. Nitric oxide improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, and boosts exercise performance, among other benefits.
- Counteracts the neuronal damage induced by the chemotherapy drug oxaliplatin
- Activates osteoclasts - responsible for resorption of bone, critical for maintenance and repair
Because GcMAF has so many effects, it's been used by physicians to treat 50 health conditions from abscesses and acne to vaccine damage and wound healing.
The evidence for cancer
Dr. Yamamoto from Socrates Institute for Therapeutic Immunology, Philadelphia, gave GcMAF its name and published a number of studies.
In 2011, he and two colleagues wrote in Cancer Research, “When those cancer patients bearing breast, prostate, colorectal, stomach, liver, lung, esophagus, kidney, bladder, uterus or ovarian cancer, or melanoma, fibrosarcoma, leukemia, glioblastoma or mesothelioma were intramuscularly administered with 100 ng GcMAF/week, their tumors were eradicated in 16 – 54 weeks.”3
Several of his human studies were subsequently retracted but one that still stands involves 16 prostate cancer patients who received weekly injections of GcMAF. After 14 to 25 weeks, their nagalase levels returned to normal [i.e. low], suggesting they were cancer free. After seven years follow-up there was no recurrence of the disease.4
Tumor volume slashed one-fourth in seven days
Clinics in Europe set up to treat cancer patients with GcMAF reported their results in 2013 and 2014.
Publishing in Oncoimmunology, the clinicians reported a robust response to GcMAF injections in 20 stage 4 patients suffering from a variety of tumor types. All had high nagalase before therapy with a sizable decrease in 19 of them after treatment. This was associated with significant clinical improvement.5
An updated report using an improved version of GcMAF called Goleic was published in the American Journal of Immunology. Goleic combines the macrophage-promoting protein with vitamin D and oleic acid.
These patients were also eating a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet and took low-dose aspirin.
Seven patients with different stage 4 cancers experienced reductions in tumor volume as seen in ultrasonographic images ranging from 6.8% in melanoma after one week to 49.2% for colon cancer after two weeks. This was accompanied by significant clinical improvement in all patients.
The researchers further reported that, "When the primary tumor or a metastasis could be measured by ultrasonographic techniques, we observed, on average, a decrease of tumor volume of approximately 25% in a week."6
Impressive results from Japan
Doctors at the Saisei Mirai Clinic in Kobe, Japan, published examples of three of 345 patients treated with GcMAF together with other integrative therapies over a two-year period.
A 71-year-old man was diagnosed with thymus carcinoma with lung metastasis. The patient received 24 weeks of integrative immunotherapy. No progression of the cancer was found 12 months after treatment.
A 74-year-old diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer spread to multiple bone sites underwent 12 weeks of treatment. Bone scans were normal nine months after therapy began, and the tumors had disappeared.
A year after initiation of treatment for metastatic liver cancer in a 72-year-old woman, doctors could find no evidence of recurrence or spread on PET or CT scans.7
The same group also published a case report on a patient with breast cancer. In less than a year they saw a significant increase in monocytes [a type of white blood cell] along with a rapid decrease in tumor markers. There were no serious side effects.8
Why hasn't it been approved?
The most recent trial of 24 patients with advanced solid tumors was carried out in Israel. Although this was a phase 1 trial, designed to test dosage, safety and tolerability, the researchers noted, "Interestingly, despite highly advanced disease and extensive prior treatments, 25% of patients showed disease stabilization following treatment."9
In 2017, researchers from Iran reviewed studies of GcMAF in cancer. They found "solid evidence of its efficacy in cancer patients" and wondered "why this medication has not yet been approved by the FDA...It appears that there are non-scientific reasons that prevent FDA approval."10
The researchers didn't expand on what these non-scientific reasons might be. Perhaps they had the following events in mind.
The crackdown
The retractions of Dr. Yamamoto's papers showing great efficacy for GcMAF may have been a portent of what lay ahead.
Jeff Bradstreet, a doctor using GcMAF for many health conditions, but specializing in autism, committed suicide shortly after his clinic was raided by FDA and law enforcement agents in 2015. The search warrant specifically referenced GcMAF. Many believe Dr. Bradstreet did not kill himself. They claim he was murdered.
The aforementioned European clinics were closed down by health authorities, and a manufacturing facility for GcMAF in England was raided and shut down.
David Noakes, who was the entrepreneur behind the manufacture of GcMAF in England and who set up clinics in Germany, Switzerland and the UK island of Guernsey was visited by a BBC crew. They interviewed patients whose lives had been turned around by the therapy, but broadcast none of that. Instead they preferred to run a hit piece about medical quackery.
In November, 2018, Mr. Noakes was jailed for 15 months for the manufacture and distribution of an unlicensed medicine.
Presiding over the case, the judge made it clear than GcMAF was not on trial and was reported as saying, "I believe that the medicine is, and will be beneficial, to people who need this treatment."
One of the Guernsey clinic's patients was Peter de Carteret. He arrived with the highest grade of prostate cancer -- a Gleason score of 10. He was given three weeks to live.
He was in a great deal of pain and could hardly walk. Six weeks after the start of treatment he was pain free and walking comfortably. After 12 months there were no visible signs of cancer, but he still needed to take the remedy.
When the clinic was shut down he was unable to obtain GcMAF. He died three months later. Most of the other patients at the clinic have reportedly suffered the same fate.
Integrative approach needed
A well-known integrative and alternative cancer doctor openly endorses the use of GcMAF. Leigh Erin Connealy, Medical Director for the Center for New Medicine, Irvine, CA, said in an interview: "I know it works because every single patient that I've used it on, their nagalase levels have decreased [and[ we see positive changes in their systems."11
Another is R. Ernest Cohn, MD, of the Holistic Medical Clinic of the Carolinas, Wilkesboro, NC. He said that "when you actually see the results, it's quite impressive. I've seen excellent results with people in stage 3 and stage 4, which is greatly surprising...It really does work."12
David Noakes said that 5% of stage 4 cancer patients could be turned around when the clinics started out, but as they learned more and added to the therapy, this rose to 77%.
In other words, GcMAF on its own is not the whole story (although even at 5% it leaves "gold standard" conventional treatments in the dust). It has to be part of a comprehensive treatment protocol. The results achieved at the Saisei Mirai Clinic included a number of other therapies, such as intravenous vitamin C.
Lynda Thyer, the biomedical scientist responsible for the treatment protocols at the European clinics, talked about her experience at the 5th GcMAF international conference held in Moscow in November, 2016.13
The protocol included a sugar-free, low-carb diet, high-dose vitamin D and K2, Master Amino Acid Pattern (a unique pattern of essential amino acids), magnesium, high-dose vitamin C, methylcobalamin (B12) and other B vitamins, plus enzymes and other therapies such as massage, visualization and oxygen.
GcMAF was given by injection to the lymph nodes nearest to the tumor. Patients were also nebulized and given suppositories of Goleic. They also had to eat a special yogurt that boosts GcMAF.
She said that with the full protocol "pancreatic cancer can be stopped in its tracks." Patients will be symptom free in a very short time. "It's quite easy to resolve."
While it's still a stretch, it's no longer quite so unbelievable as it first sounded, knowing what GcMAF together with other integrative therapies can do.
Author and health writer Bill Sardi personally witnessed the recovery of a stage 4 pancreatic cancer patient taking Goleic. He writes, "In just three months, that patient's cancer markers were normalized, he has been taken off chemotherapy and is remarkably healthy. Seeing GcMAF work first hand is very convincing."
How to boost GcMAF
Unless you’re a patient in one of the clinics that offers the therapy, it's not possible to get hold of GcMAF serum itself, but it can be activated in the body from bovine colostrum, the "first milk" produced by humans and other mammals. Colostrum is available as a supplement.
Molecular biologist Marco Ruggiero, who has been researching and publishing papers on GcMAF for 30 years, created Bravo Super Probiotic Yogurt. Its 40-plus strains produce GcMAF by natural fermentation. This can be bought online.
In 2016, Ruggiero wrote a fascinating paper theorizing that chondroitin sulfate may be responsible for the biological and clinical effects attributed to GcMAF.14
As a result, he created a product called Rerum which was updated in 2018 to Imuno. This is a molecularly bonded, micro-sized emulsion of chondroitin sulfate, vitamin D and phosphatidylcholine.15
Ruggiero claims this is superior to GcMAF for boosting immunity, but it's too early to make a judgment about this product.
A generic (and far cheaper) form of Rerum has been put together by Kerri Rivera, who specializes in the treatment of autism. It's called Chondroitin Sulfate with Vitamin D and Oleic.
For those seeking treatment for cancer, GcMAF is used at Health & Wellness of Carmel, Indiana; Reno Integrative Medical Center, Nevada; Connors Clinic, Lake Elmo, Minnesota; and the Hope4Cancer clinics in Mexico. There may be other centers in the US that use it, but are reluctant to advertise the fact.
Best regards,

Lee Euler,
- https://immuno-therapy.biz/gcmaf
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1WZrnCcH24
- http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/71/8_Supplement/5531
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18633461
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3812199/
- https://thescipub.com/pdf/10.3844/ajisp.2014.23.32
- http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/33/7/2917.full.pdf
- http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/34/8/4589.long
- http://www.efranat.com/clinical/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5686300/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBCz1UhBjuc
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh6pklLxbt8
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r2v-NVT4UE
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27515218
- https://naturalsolutions.nz/articles/imuno-adjuvant-for-cancer-vaccines-29Sep18.pdf