![Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment From “The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” Conference about undefined](/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdxp-dh-production.s3.amazonaws.com%2F64b009b68bf37f6265aa0ae4%2Fassets%2F65f8bc3f7ff3cc0013111e91%2Fbreakthroughsincancertreatmentfromthetruthaboutcancerliveconferenceimage.jpeg&w=1920&q=70)
This is the first of two reports about Ty Bollinger's 2021 “The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” conference at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee.
By Andrew Scholberg
Ty Bollinger’s conferences always feature the most recent cancer breakthroughs, and his 2021 Nashville conference was no exception. Today I’m going to tell you about a TV star whose wife has recovered from Stage Four cancer… a doctor who believes your autonomic nervous system holds the key to cancer recovery and great health… as well as a celebrated nutritionist who offers simple suggestions for turning your body into a fortress against cancer.
John Schneider, a country music singer and actor who is best known for his role in “The Dukes of Hazard,” brought his guitar onto the stage and impressed the audience with his folksy manner, charisma, and singing.
But the main reason for his appearance was to introduce his wife Alicia, who told her remarkable story about taking charge of her health when she was diagnosed with Stage Four breast cancer. Alicia is also a musician and filmmaker.
When a doctor wearing a white coat first gave Alicia the bad news about her diagnosis, her world crumbled. The breast cancer had spread throughout her body, and she thought, “How can this be? I’m almost 50. I live well. I eat well.” The doctor gave his advice to submit to the “standard of care.” If she did, the doctor told her she might live another five years.
She told the audience that she had a “pity party” and got angry at God. But she soon got over it. When she pulled herself together, she said to herself, “I must have this cancer for a reason, so I can help others overcome it too.” Her mission now is to give cancer patients hope.
A no-brainer for cancer patients: take selenium!
Alicia remembered that her grandfather told her that minerals are the key to life. Indeed, mineral deficiency is typical for cancer patients, and certain minerals give cancer patients a big boost, especially selenium, which has long been known to kill cancer cells. She educated herself about nutrition and discovered she hadn’t been eating as well as she thought.
Not surprisingly, the surgeon recommended cutting off Alicia’s breasts, but she said no. In like manner, the radiologist recommended radiation, but she said no. She did take some chemotherapy temporarily, which she considered a useful tool.
With the typical cancer patient, the patient is in the passenger’s seat, and the doctor is in the driver’s seat. The doctor decides everything, and the patient meekly submits to the doctor’s plan. But Alicia won her cancer battle by trading seats with the doctor. She knew that she needed to be in the driver’s seat.
Alicia explained how she tapped into the power of her mind to heal. She visualized PacMan devouring the cancer cells that had spread throughout her body. When she did this she sensed that this was actually happening in coordination with her vivid visualization.
This kind of visualization is no mere “hocus-pocus” but a powerful, proven technique. Developed by the late Dr. O. Carl Simonton, M.D., who pioneered mind-body medicine and helped patients beat “terminal” cases of cancer through the power of the mind alone, visualization really helps. I interviewed Dr. Simonton a few months before his death, and he told me about three cases of terminal, hopeless cancer that he had helped cure by the power of the mind.
When Alicia was first diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer the PET/CT scan showed the cancer lighting up her whole body like a Christmas tree. Before the procedure, she asked the nurse, “What are you going to inject me with?” The nurse replied, “Glucose.”
Glucose is a form of sugar, and Alicia found out that cancer loves sugar. That caused her to revise her eating choices. In addition to cutting out sugar, she ate good fats, brazil nuts (high in potassium), and followed a keto diet.
By November of 2019, about six months after Alicia began her journey of healing, a new PET/CT scan showed that just one little spot of cancer remained, in sharp contrast to the “Christmas tree” of cancer spots spread throughout her body. She was almost cancer free and knew she was on the right track.
“Doctor, you’re fired!”
Alicia never hesitated to fire a doctor and hire a different one when she felt ready to move on to what she calls “the next level.” Some of her doctors wanted her to remain on chemotherapy for life. But she dropped it because it was making her feel bad, even though she acknowledges that it might have helped her earlier in her journey to health.
Alicia heard that quite a few cancer patients were having good results on a dog-deworming medicine, Fenbendazole, which is the key ingredient in a product called Panacur C from Merck Animal Health. While it’s not approved for human use, Panacur C is easy to obtain from Pet-Meds.org. The recommended dose was for a 40-pound dog, so she adjusted the amount proportionally for her body weight after talking with others who had used the drug.
I was already familiar with Fenbendazole/Panacur C and was impressed with the testimonials of cancer patients who ordered it for themselves rather than for a dog. But cancer patients who own a dog receive a benefit for their pet since a dog bone comes with each order.
Alicia said she’s now using an infrared scan to assure herself that she remains cancer free. That’s a wise decision because infrared scans are non-invasive and completely safe, in sharp contrast to PET/CT scans, which zap the patient with a heavy dose of radiation. Dr. James Forsythe, M.D., one of America’s best cancer doctors, warns cancer patients to stay as far away as possible from PET/ CT scanners because he says they emit 500 to 600 times the radiation dose of a simple chest X-ray. This radiation beats down the patient’s immune cells, which are radio sensitive, and radiation is a well-known cause of cancer.
An “out-of-whack” nervous system boosts cancer
Another key insight from the conference came from Dr. Terry Harmon’s speech about how to optimize the autonomic nervous system, which is typically “out-of-whack” in cancer patients.
The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. When the parasympathetic system is dominant, you feel content, relaxed, and at peace, and your heart rate is slow. The parasympathetic state — sometimes called “rest and digest” — should typically be dominant.
But when you’re startled, jolted, or face danger, your heart rate speeds up, your stress level spikes, and the sympathetic nervous system suddenly dominates. This is the sympathetic state, known as “fight or flight,” which helps you deal with the emergency, whether you need to fight an attacker or flee from danger. When the threat is over, your body can and should return to a parasympathetic state.
The problem for cancer patients is that they typically get stuck in the sympathetic “fight or flight” state of unrelenting stress. When the body is unable to return to a parasympathetic “rest and digest” state, the autonomic nervous system is unwell and out of balance. Dr. Harmon said, “The sympathetic nervous system has been implicated in cancer progression.” In other words, an out-of-whack autonomic system that’s constantly dominated by stress helps cancer spread like crazy.
Dr. Harmon emphasized that, “the autonomic nervous system regulates every system. The autonomic system runs the show.” He has found that when a cancer patient’s autonomic nervous system has been brought back into balance, “the cancer state is no longer important. Get the nervous system well. Get it healthy again. Fear regulates metastasis. True peace with parasympathetics is the opposite. This is amazingly powerful. Every choice we make impacts our nervous system, either positively or negatively.
How to fine-tune your nervous system for
optimum health
To enable his patients to monitor their autonomic nervous system, Dr. Harmon recommends that they get and wear an Oura Ring, which transmits health data to a smartphone app. He wears one himself and declared that “everyone [not just cancer patients] should get an Oura Ring.”
Dr. Harmon said he doesn’t make a penny when someone buys an Oura Ring, even though thousands of people have bought one on his recommendation. He recommends the Oura Ring for everyone because it’s an affordable way to find out if your autonomic nervous system is optimized or less than optimal. He stated, “On a daily basis it gives you your heart rate variability — the higher the score, the better. It tells you where you are. You’re looking for a score of 60 or more. It’s absolutely amazing. Until you start checking, you truly are clueless about what your nervous system is doing. You have no idea until you start tracking it.” A heart rate variability score of 50 or less indicates a nervous system that’s out of whack and seriously in need of healing.
With an Oura Ring, Dr. Harmon said, “In three to nine months you can take your autonomic nervous system from wherever it is to a much higher level. A heart rate variability score below 50 is too low.” He explained that there’s a 30-fold increase in metastasis when a patient is stuck in a sympathetic state, and he urged the audience to “get the heck out of low heart rate variability and spend your life in a thriving base mode.”
You can get a free e-book about optimizing your nervous system from Dr. Harmon’s website chirhochiropractic.com. You’ll find the e-book under the “patient resources” menu. The title of the e-book is Heart Rate Variability: Nervous System Optimization Guide.
Dr. Harmon explained why he recommends chiropractic care, which he said is “not about back cracking.” He said the spine is supposed to line up in a certain structural way, and when this structure falls out of alignment with the Creator’s design, health is impaired in a fundamental way. He’s convinced that regular adjustments of the spine, together with optimizing the heart rate variability, are crucial for maintaining vibrant health and a good quality of life.
Dr. Harmon emphasized the importance of good nutrition, good sleep, detoxification, and exercise. He also recommended that everyone in the audience engage in an ongoing pursuit of learning what’s truthful and unlearning what’s false, quoting the Bible saying, “My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).
The “System” is designed to keep you ill
Dr. Patrick Quillin is probably the leading authority on good nutrition with regard to cancer. For several years he worked with the Cancer Treatment Centers of America as their chief nutritional expert, and he’s a frequent speaker at cancer conferences.
Dr. Quillin spoke about how to turn your body into a fortress against cancer and infections. He urged the audience to opt out of “the System,” which is designed to keep you half way between well and dead. By “the System,” he means the conventional medical system that’s dominated by Big Pharma’s approach to “health.” He said, “God is creating miracles in our body all day, every day. But we have to do something to assist it. Look at your body as a garden. Take care of it!”
Regarding immunity, Dr. Quillin pointed out that an impaired immune system is a result of malnutrition, which is a fixable problem. He rhetorically asked, “Everybody has to have a vax? What about natural immunity? You have innate immunity plus adaptive immunity. You have an immune system that’s awesome. Nourish your garden!” He called the typical Western diet — also known as the standard American diet — “fertilizer for cancer.”
In the year 1900, only one American out of 20 came down with cancer. Today, it’s four out of ten. After pointing that out, Dr. Quillin asked, “How do we heal?” He offered seven ways.
- A positive attitude
- Regular exercise
- Good nutrition
- A healthy microbiome
- Energy alignment
- Detoxification
- Genetics
Dr. Quillin said, “Are we hostage to our genetics? No!” He said we can up-regulate and down-regulate genes by making lifestyle choices.
As an alternative to prescription drugs, he offered this insight, “No drug holds as much promise for health as a regular habit of exercise, which helps promote lymphatic drainage, stress reduction, and detoxification."
Naturally, Dr. Quillin recommends an eating plan that’s high in organic vegetables of various colors. He also said that when we eat is another important factor that affects health. He recommends intermittent fasting — eat during an eight-hour window followed by 16 hours without eating anything — and one day per week drinking water only.
Of course, some people with chronic illness—especially those with active cancer—should not fast with only water without being under a doctor’s supervision. If you’d like to learn more about Dr. Quillin’s nutritional recommendations for cancer patients, he’s written a number of books including Beating Cancer with Nutrition and 12 Keys to a Healthier Cancer Patient. Both are available on Amazon.
Best regards,

Lee Euler,